Chapter 19 [GUEST]

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                    LEWIS WINTERS P.O.V.

              After the Judge told everyone the trial date, he left. I am still shocked that they never gave me a copy of the CCTV footage they had. I approached Xavier's lawyer to ask for the footage. He is a good lawyer but not as good as me. I know that I don't have any evidence to prove Crystal's innocence but I know that something is going to show up. I find it very fishy that Mrs Natalie and the maid, Clara weren't available today. And how they got a hold of her earring is very suspicious as well. I said my goodbyes to Sir Barnie and left. I wanted to go to the crime scene and get a good look at things.

I parked my car outside Xavier's building and started to look at the area. The other buildings were owned by very rich people. I spotted various CCTV cameras around the area that could get things from different angles.
I thought of asking for copies from them but I know that it won't be easy. I have to try though.  I continued to walk around, taking photos of the cameras and the other buildings. I walked over to the back where the explosion was but it looks like someone cleared it up. I was so frustrated. I went back into my car and drove off. I have to speak with Crystal.

I went to the station and they brought her out. She was looking pale. She had lost alot of weight. Her hair looked like a bird's nest but besides that, she still managed to look beautiful.

"Hi Miss Danford, how are you?" I asked her.

She smiled softly and said, "am good Mr Winters, and you?" I smiled back.

"Am good too" I paused for a minute and said, "There's something I need to confirm from you," she nodded and I continued, "it's about the earring they presented today as evidence against you, when did you wear it?" She looked confused for a minute, she was trying to figure something out.

"When they came to arrest me, I was wearing those earrings but when I got to the station, I only had one on my ear. I didn't even think about it. They must have taken it when I was in the police car." Her face was filled with worry. "You are right, the judge didn't give me enough time to investigate but trust me, I'll do my best to get you out" I assured her. She just nodded. The guard in charge came and took her away.

That was a smart move they made. Pulling out her earring when she was being handcuffed. I can't seem to get a hold of anything that could be useful. I got into my car and went to my penthouse, I had to relax and handle everything with a clear mind.

When I got home, I went straight into the bathtub. I wanted to take a long hot bath. When I finished, pI took my towel and wrapped it around my waist. I took my phone and ordered some Chinese takeout. The wait was for thirty minutes. I sat down and turned on my tv. I searched for a movie but I didn't find anything interesting. Ten minutes later, I had my door bell ring. I was excited because my food arrived twenty minutes early. I walked over to the door and peeped on the hole that was on the door. I saw a very familiar face. It was someone I wouldn't have thought even in a million years would be knocking at my door. I went back and turned on my voice recorder and I placed it under the sofa. I went back and opened the door, with the towel still wrapped around my waist. This is about to be the longest night ever.

Veronica Lynn. She was dressed in a black silk dress that was way above the knees. She looked good, I can't lie. I knew exactly what she came to do here but I am going to play dumb.
"To what do I owe this visit?" I asked her with a fake smile. She made herself comfortable on my couch and crossed her legs exposing the little she had covered.  She started staring at my bare chest. I had almost forgotten that I had a towel on. "I can see that you are distracted, let me fix that" I said and walked over to my room. I picked up a white plain shirt and black sweatpants. When I finished wearing them, I walked back to where she was. I saw that she was answering a call.
"I just got to his house..... Yeah I don't know about that....... I know, I know I'll try my best, but he looks hard to seduce, don't blame me if my charm doesn't work on him..... I have to go bye"  I knew that she was talking to Xavier. "So what brought you to my house" I asked her. "I came here so that we can talk business." She plastered a smile. Just then, my door bell rang and I knew that was my food. "excuse me" I said as I went to open the door. I paid for the food and went straight into the kitchen.  I placed the food on the kitchen counter and went back to the living room. "Congratulations on your wedding Mrs Lynn or is it Mrs Smith now?" I asked her with a  fake smile. She looked at the ring on her finger and twisted. Then she removed it and kept it inside her handbag. "Can we just forget that I'm married just for tonight?" She stood up and walked over to where I was. "I'd rather we talk about why you are here, what do you want?" I asked her and this time I was a little bit harsh. "Well, I want you to stop wasting your time defending that criminal. You won't win the case."  She was now standing too close to me and I hate people who invade my personal space. She placed her hands on my neck. " Is that all?" I asked her. "Yes that's all" she said. I grabbed her wrist and I took her handbag. I walked her over to the door. I opened the door and pushed her outside. I locked the door and I heard her shouting, " open this door you son of a bitch."  I went to the kitchen and warmed my food. I went and took the recorder and turned it off. I then went back into the kitchen and took my food. I turned the TV on and started eating.


Thank y'all for reading this chapter ❤️

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