Chapter 33[LAST GOODBYE]

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                             CRYSTAL'S POV

It was dark. Very very dark. Or maybe it wasn't. Maybe I have gone blind. Oh My God!!. I am blind. I can't see. Somebody help me. I can't see.

"No honey, you are not blind."

I heard a soft and very familiar voice saying followed by a light chuckle. I know that voice. I can never forget that voice no matter what. I have waited for two years just to hear that voice for one last time.

A wave of emotion hit me strong and I felt like I was going to cry any minute now.

"Mom?" I said with a shaky voice.

"It's me honey, open your eyes slowly" so I did.

I fluttered my eyelids and opened my eyes slowly.  I took my time to take in the environment. I was standing in the middle of something that looked like a garden. It was full of sunflowers and red roses. Those were my favorite flowers. I turned around and saw her. My mom.

She hadn't changed at all. I wanted to run to where she was and hug her but I was stuck. I couldn't move. I tried lifting my legs up but I couldn't. I looked at her and she just smiled at me. She came closer to me And When we were a few inches away from each other, she cupped my face.

"Oh my darling, what are you doing here. You are not supposed to be here" I shook my head.

"I want to be here with you mom. And where is dad?" I asked her and she just stared at me blankly. 

"Come follow me, I have to tell you something. I don't have much time. Lift up your left  leg  then the right leg  slowly and start walking. Be careful not to step on the flowers."  

I did as she said and my legs were no longer rooted to the ground. She held my hand and led me to a certain path. 

We stopped at a cliff. On the other side there was a waterfall. I had never seen a waterfall before. It looked breathtakingly beautiful. She sat down on a rock and tapped on the empty space for me to sit down and I did. She looked disturbed. Something was bothering her.

"I am sorry mom. I disappointed you. I should've listened to you. I should've obeyed you and I should've been a good daughter. I don't know why I didn't see Xavier for who he truly is. You warned me severally. But I was too stubborn to listen. I...."

She shook her head and interrupted me. "Honey, that was your lesson to learn. Don't blame yourself. Everything happened the way it was supposed to happen. You have to move past it. You have other serious things you need to worry about.

"  I looked at her not understanding what she means. "What do you mean mom?"   I was beginning to get worried. I know her very well and I know that look she had on her face when she was about to say something very serious.

"Listen to me carefully my dear, some very bad people are going to come into your life demanding for things that are beyond you. You have to fight them wisely. You are my brave little girl and I know that you are strong. Your dad did some very bad things in the past. He hurt some people and they are going to try to bring you down just so that they can get all of your wealth. I want you to be wise. You are intelligent and I don't want you to make the same mistakes your father made. Remember this, money and wealth isn't everything.  When you get back home, I want you to be focused on the present life. Forget about what Xavier has done to you. Forgive him and move on with your life. Make the right decisions. If love finds it's way back to your life, make sure you embrace it. Life is all about second chances and forgiveness. Don't let your heart be filled will hatred and bitterness. There is a huge fight waiting for you. You need all the strength you can get." She wiped some tears from her eyes and continued. " I need you to be strong. You have to fight for the lives of your babies. You have to remain strong." She held my hand tightly and I felt like this was goodbye.

"Mom, I can't do this without you please come with me" she shook her head and I wanted to cry my eyes off. 

"I could go with you honey but your journey isn't mine"  I don't know how but I kind of understood her point. 

I turned around to look for her but she wasn't there. I sat down there and kept on thinking about everything she said. But then it felt cold. Really really cold. I placed my palms on my shoulders and rubbed them just to get rid of the cold but it wasn't working. I got up and and started to look for a way out. Suddenly, a dark cloud covered the sky. Minutes later it started to get a little bit dark and down came the rain. I didn't see anything that could shelter me so I decided to sit back down and enjoy the rain and the view.   A strong wind came and blew me away. I saw myself falling off the cliff. And darkness covered my eyes.

Just like Crystal's mom said, bad guys are coming. Y'all better buckle up.


Thanks for reading this chapter ❤️

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