Chapter 22 [TALES OF ZAGAN]

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I couldn't believe that Xavier bought the judge, the jury, and the witnesses. For a minute, they made me feel like I wasn't a good lawyer. Fuck that bastard. I have to get some really good evidence if I want to take him down. I sighed in frustration. I went into my house office. I placed my elbows on my desk and ruffed up my hair.

I have to call Sir Barnie, he might be able to help me with something. When I pulled out my phone from my pocket, I was shocked. The screen was completely shattered. But I was one hundred percent sure it wasn't my phone. My mind travelled back to the incident that happened earlier. He intentionally bumped into me so that he can switch up my phone with one that's completely damaged. For him to do that he must have been watching me. He has been watching me. How else would you explain him having a phone exactly like mine. Is he working for Xavier. The good thing is that I had sent the video to my computer.

I took my coat and my car keys and drove off to The Wilson Mansion.
I am starting to freak out and I really really need to keep calm. But how can I keep calm when someone is watching me? I didn't even get to see his face. This is so frustrating. My mind was so clouded by those thoughts that I didn't realize that I was now entering into Sir Barnie's compound. I parked my car and got out.

I pressed on the door bell impatiently. Minutes later, the maid opened the door and ushered for me to get in.
I sat down at the living room. The maid told me that Sir Barnie is in the middle of a very important meeting, but she's going to inform him of my presence.

Thirty minutes later, I heard laughter coming from upstairs. I stood up and waited for the footsteps to near into my direction. I heard a very familiar voice. But I shrugged it off because I didn't think it was who I thought it was. Sir Barnie walked into the living room followed by a man I know too too well.

"Lewis my boy" my dad said walking into my direction. "Dad? I thought you were in Australia, when did you come back" I hugged him. " Is that how you greet your father my boy" he said with a grin. I walked over to where Sir Barnie was a offered him a handshake. He took my hand and pulled me in to a bone crashing hug. I never knew  he was a hugger.

"What brought you back Dad?" I sat down next to him .

"Business my son, I just landed and I decided to come strike a deal with Wilson the great. I didn't know you Knew each other." He said.

I wanted to respond but Sir Barnie beat me to it. " This is a small world Winters. Do you remember Mr and Mrs Danford, they died in a car accident two years ago?" My dad furrowed his eyebrows trying to remember. " You mean Caleb and Leslie? I remember them, they were my good friends" my dad said.

"Yes , Lewis is actually working on a case that involves their daughter. Crystal Danford, she got married to a greedy bastard that stripped her off of all her parents inheritance and framed her. Now the poor girl is in prison serving a jail term for a crime she didn't commit." Sir Barnie said. His face was morphed with emotions of sadness and anger.

"That's actually why I am here, I have to tell you something very important" I said facing Sir Barnie my voice getting serious. He nodded for me to continue.

" I went to the office of the judge today and guess who I saw leaving with the judge, Xavier, and two ladies. I recognized one of the ladies as a member of the jury. She's the one who spoke in court. They were all carrying envelopes that had names written on them in bold. I think that the envelopes contain money." I told Sir Barnie. He didn't look surprised. It's like he already knew.

"You see, people like Xavier are known to play dirty, it's so obvious that Xavier bribed everyone there. You know, everyone has a little dirt in them, you just have to dig a little deeper to find it." He said calmly.

" But something else happened, when I was walking out, someone bumped into me. The man swapped my phone with a damaged one." I heard my dad sigh and shift uncomfortably. I turned and faced him. He had a look of worry in his eyes.

"Do you remember what your grandfather told you about a man called Zagan?" My dad asked and I nodded. "He is Caleb's twin brother. He isn't an ordinary man. He is a very dangerous man. He might be the one behind everything that's happening right now. You should be extremely careful. People believe that he died in a fire years ago but Caleb and I never believed that he died. A man like him doesn't die easily. He is the only one who decides whether his time on earth has come to an end or not. He has cheated death so many times." My dad's voice was shaking like he was talking about the devil himself. I looked at Sir Barnie. He had a certain look in his eyes that I couldn't decipher. I bet this Zagan of a guy caused a lot of trouble back then. "Don't scare your son Rob" Sir Barnie said with a slight chuckle. I remembered the man that bumped into me. Could it be that he is the so called Zagan? I asked myself


Thank y'all for reading this chapter ❤️

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