Chapter 25 [ALONE]

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               CRYSTAL'S P.O.V.

Sav  sat next to me eyeing me like I had just killed someone. I ignored her and acted like nothing happened. It was now clear that no one had dared to stand up to Kristina.

"Do you know what you just did?" Sav asked me "Yeah. I just stopped Kristina from killing someone" I responded calmly. "no. you've started a war. You should be ready because the Kristina that I know is going to make life really hard for you" she was dead serious. But I wasn't afraid of Kristina. She can bring it on. "well I'm ready for her" I told her. Sav looked more frightened and stressed by what just happened. Maybe I should be worried but I am not. She might think that she's powerful, I'll show her that there are people out here who are way more powerful than her. 

Hours later, we were called to the hall for dinner. Sav took her food but I told her that I wasn't hungry. I just sat down and watching Sav eat. She is a complete sucker for food.

When we were done, our names were called just to make sure no one escaped. Then we were told to go back to our cells. My cell was at the furthest corner so I knew where it was. Sav's cell was surprisingly opposite to mine.  But I hadn't noticed her before. Maybe it was because I was in my own world.

With every step I took getting close to my cell, there was a bad smell. The closer I got to my cell, the stronger the smell was. I took out my handkerchief from my pocket and blocked my nose from the smell. I saw Sav doing the same. 

The door to my cell was opened. I walked in and I couldn't believe what I saw. My mattress was soaking wet and guess with what..... Urine. Someone poured urine on my bed. Urine. That's not all. My bedding were torn into pieces. I had nothing to cover myself with and no place to lie on. 

People came and surrounded my cell, whispering and looking at me with pity. "What's going on here, why are you all here?" I heard a voice ask from the back. "And what's that smell?" She asked again. People moved so that she could pass. She was a middle aged woman. Short, with brunette hair that was tied in a low tight bun. Her aura screamed strength and power. She looked merciless but straight forward with her decisions. "Who's cell is this?"   She asked and I raised my hand because talking was impossible.  "What happened?" She asked looking at me with accusing eyes. Did she think that I urinated on my bed? "I don't know, we came from the zone and this is how I found my cell" I didn't know if she understood what I said but oh well. She nodded and walked into the cell. She analysed the scene and then stepped out. She gestured for me to follow her and I did. 

"I want everyone in their respective cells!" She commanded and it took less than a minute for everyone to do so. I walked behind her into a quiet place. "What really happened?" I saw the seriousness in her eyes. She gave me the -lie-to-me-and-you-will-regret-it~ look. "I came back after dinner and I found my cell in shambles and it was smelling like shit." I said. "How long have you been here?" I looked at her confused about what that has to do with anything. "I came today" I answered and she just nodded. "Do you know anyone who could've done this?" I nodded. She looked at me waiting for me to give her a name. "Kristina" she didn't look surprised at all. It's almost like she was expecting me to say that. "Are you sure" she asked and I told her that I was one hundred percent sure of it. She took me to an empty cell and told me to wait for her to come back. She had gone to call someone to fix a bed and bring some new beddings to me.  This cell was much bigger that the other one. It had a desk, a clean sink and a clean toilet seat. It even had toilet paper.

After everything was fixed perfectly, she told me that she will investigate about and she'll will inform the necessary authority. But how childish would Kristina be. She literally poured piss... Ugh, I don't even want to think about it. 

I sat on the bed and leaned my back on the wall. I started to think about something that I have been trying to avoid for a minute now. The baby. I wondered who it was going to look like more. Will it be a boy or a girl? Will it have my eyes or Xavier's? Will it be like me? I hope it carries more of my genes and less or non of Xavier's. But why am I thinking about it this way. I don't want to have it. I want to get rid of it. I have to get rid of it. I can't have it. It's father is a monster. I can't have anything that reminds me of him. I just can't. It's not fair to me. I know there must be someone in this prison who knows a thing or two about abortion. I need to get this abomination out of me. I didn't realize that I was crying until I saw the tears that were now falling from my eyes. I wiped them. I am now a jail bird. Alone  in this cell. I don't have Sir Barnie to comfort me and tell me that everything will be okay. Neither do I have Lewis to tell me that he's doing everything possible to get me out of here. I don't have my mom here to wipe my tears and I don't have my dad to hug me tightly and kiss my forehead. I have no one.

Thank y'all for reading this chapter ❤️

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