turn to stone

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"you have to be fucking kidding me!"

you groaned when the elevator halted. you had been forced by your father to tour the bank with charlie since his father had been friends with yours since the days of welton. charlie had made it his goal to make the past two hours a living hell for you. while his father was spitting off useless facts, charlie would ask more questions to draw out the time. even though he had heard the answers since he was a kid.

"calm down, y/n." charlie shrugged his shoulders.

by the time they had left the tour it was 8pm. most people had gone home, but his father wanted to stay late. he allowed charlie and you to leave early but to just your luck that went poorly too.

"i have to spend this day with you and now i'm stuck in a fucking elevator. i'm not gonna calm down charlie!" there was no way to get any help unless by some miracle charlie's father heard you two arguing.

he looked at you with a smirk on his face which only made you more upset. he was laughing at a time like this? you could already barely stand to be around him but now you were forced into a small elevator where you couldn't escape from his horrendous jokes.

"wipe that stupid smirk off your face."


"what did you just say?"

"i said no."

you looked at him with nothing but anger on your face and in your mind. he was one to always push back. you needed comfort to stop the anxiety racing through your mind but instead he stood there smug as ever.

"you're so stupid, charlie! we're stuck in an elevator. i'm tired, hungry, annoyed, and unbelievably nervous that at any moment the chords could snap and we fall to our deaths."

"we'll be fine. someone will find us." he rolled his eyes and sat down on the ground against the back wall.

he looked up at you, almost signaling for you to join him. he had loosened his tie and his suit jacket was already laying on the floor. he kept on running his hands through his hair to get out the gel he used to look more professional but if anything it made it worse.

"let me do it." you knelt down in front of him and fixed his gelled up hair with the comb you had in your purse. you combed it all back while a few pieces still stuck out from the mess. he smiled at you gently.

"we're stuck in an elevator and all you can think about is fixing my hair. this really shows where your priorities lie."

"if we're gonna be stuck here you might as well be tolerable to look at."

you were beginning to stand up until charlie grabbed your arm to take the comb out of your hand. you fell on your butt leading charlie to laugh. more hairs fell out of place the longer he laughed for.

"keep it up," you tried to stand up but he kept his hand around your arm, "charlie let go."

he looked at you with that same smug look. he knew what he was going to do and you knew too.

he moved closer to you and pulled you in.

"charlie, what the fuck?" you stood up and backed away from him. he was going to kiss you. it's not like you had never thought about it, but he was only going to kiss you out of pure boredom.

"y/n, i mean, i just thought we could pass the time."

"pass the time?" you scoffed.

"we're stuck in here! i don't know, i just figured something would happen!" he stood up and leaned against the wall.

he looked down at the ground with the only look in his face being regret, "i'm sorry y/n."

"first time i've ever think you've apologized to anyone."

"well, you could at least accept it." he shoved his hands into his pockets.

you shrugged your shoulders a took a seat next to where he was standing. he joined you on the floor and stuck his legs out in front of him. you did the same.

"copying me now, y/l/n?" he smirked.

"what else will we do?"

"we could play a game. something like truth or dare?" he suggested.

"i don't think there's much room for dares in here charlie."

"then just truth."

you nodded your head. you racked your brain for a question to ask him that wouldn't be sexual or something he could make sexual. charlie had a way of doing that which was something he did to consistently piss you off.

"out of the 7 of us, who would you date?"

"we're just getting right into it, aren't we?" you laughed but he rolled his eyes, "i actually have put a lot of thought into this. definitely not knox, after the entire chris situation. todd is too quiet and cameron talks too much."

"that means there's four left."

"meeks and i would fight over how important latin is too often. neil is in the top, but i think we act almost too alike sometimes."

"two left."

"pitts. i would probably date pitts.

he scoffed, "you didn't even give your reason for me!"

you smiled at how angry he got, "you talk too much, you flirt with too many girls, you never focus on one thing, you can be kind of creepy and overbearing, you smirk too much, yo-"

"okay! we get it!" he crossed his arms, "i should at least be able to say why i wouldn't date you."

"be my guest."

"YOU talk too much, you get too anxious, you can never actually commit to a relationship, you complain about everything, you always touch your hair when you're nervous so you touch it a lot."

you perked up when he said that. you knew that you always played with your hair whenever you got anxious but you never expected others to notice. you did it so often you expected it to just blend in with all of your other weird habits. he was going on and on, but you could only focus on how he knew.

"how did you know i do it when i'm anxious?"

"play with your hair or squeeze your hands into fists?" he looked over at you.

"both, i guess."

"it's just easy to pick up on. that's what you do. i remember before a latin test you sat there with your hands at your side basically digging your nails into your palms."

"why were you looking at me?"

he looked down at the ground smiling, "you're nice to look at."

you rolled your eyes but it was paired with a smile. you were starting to regret pushing him away earlier. kissing could've passed the time, maybe something more could've passed the time. you should've just kissed him. you have always wanted to deep down but you would've kissed anyone. even the next person to be outside of those elevator doors when you were saved.

just as you began to let your mind race the elevator shook. opening up the heavy doors was charlie's father, panting.

so maybe not the next person.

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