sweet to me

749 6 1

year set: 2022

you sat in your dorm's window nook staring at the heavy rain falling on your window. you had on one of neil's green sweaters paired with some grey welton sweatpants. your mom knitted you socks every year for your birthday, and you had just been sent the most recent pair last weekend.

you heard your dorm door open slowly, creaking like it always does. you figured it was your roommate, knox, but your face lit up seeing your boyfriend neil perry standing in the doorway. you have had a difficult few days with mid-terms coming up and being forced to head home over the holidays this weekend. neil was nothing but smiles ever since the night of the play. his beautiful performance that night was met with surprising support from both of his parents.

"how are you feeling, love?" he closed the door behind him and walked over to the nook. he leaned the side of his head against the wall closest to it.

"tired," you sighed, "disappointed more than anything."

you had finished your trigonometry mid-term that morning. by the time you left the classroom, the paper in front of you had tear stains covering it. teachers at welton were never that understanding, other than keating. no matter how hard you studied, math never made sense to you. you expected to see a bright red F at the top of your trigonometry and chemistry tests.

"i've got an idea to cheer you up."

"anything that involves me leaving this room sounds absolutely miserable." you groaned.

he stood there looking at you. you could feel his worried eyes on you but you didn't want to look. those sympathetic eyes could always make you crack. you knew that he wanted to go to the cave, and he knew it always made you feel better. you wanted to lay in bed all day but he was never one to stay in the same place for too long.

"it's not the cave," he softened his expression, "chris is throwing that christmas party tonight."

you looked at him, well almost glared at him, "neil, not tonight."

"c'mon! you always have so much fun around everyone."

he looked at you with those puppy dog eyes which cut your contemplation short. you couldn't resist someone so cute.

"what time?" you sighed with a smile.

"god, i love you! it's at seven. dress in your best christmas attire." he smiled wide.

you looked at the clock as he rushed out of the room. it read 6:00pm. he was never one for being on time or keeping track of time. you didn't want to move from the uncomfortable window, but neil would be more than disappointed if you didn't go. you pulled yourself up hoping that this desperate attempt at feeling better would actually work. you walked over to your wardrobe and rummaged through it. your best christmas attire was a forrest green and maroon sweater combined with some creme and dark blue. you felt bad to try so little for something that meant so much to him.

as you searched even deeper in the messy drawers you found some small santa earrings and a necklace with small, fake lights. you hoped for the best when pulling up your blue jeans that fell at the ankle. you decided on forrest green converse to match with the sweater. you felt halfway accomplished when putting on some mascara in the mirror. you were slightly ready for the night when neil knocked on the door but didn't wait for a response to open it.

"so, you ready?" he smiled.

you looked at him, "neil, it's been 10 minutes."

"if i've learned anything from my wonderful years at welton it's: punctuality is key."

"some more wise words from our lovely neil perry," you smiled, "now where's your christmas attire?"

"right here." he said while holding up the ugliest sweater you have ever seen. it's terrible rendition of santa mixed with blinking lights was enough to make someone vomit.

"well, it's definitely something." you smiled awkwardly while putting on your glasses and grabbing your purse.

"oh, you love it." he gave you a quick kiss as he nearly dragged you out the door.

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