my old school

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the friday night lights were practically blinding you. cheers erupted from your fellow students. ridgeway high had finally scored after two quarters had gone by. people were practically crying despite the scoreboard reading 28-7.

"i'm gonna go get a drink from the stand!" you yelled in one of your friends ears. they nodded with a smile as you made your way through the bleachers filled with sweaty, excited students.

you found yourself below the large bleachers taking in the high school atmosphere with a slow walk. this was your last football season at ridgemont high. it was your last football season as a high schooler. you were getting oddly sentimental on the short walk.

you looked up from your pondering to see a small trio of boys in the stupidest outfits you had ever seen. you could tell some sort of effort was made to fit in, but they almost looked like aliens who just figured out what humans wore.

the middle one had his hair slicked down, which made his outfit of a red sweater and cackys so much worse. the other two followed his fashion taste, but the brown-haired one wore a navy blue sweater and the taller one wore a green one. the one in the blue could get his ass kicked for going up in the stands. the other team was repping a similar shade.

you wished you could have figured out what possessed you in that moment to make a comment to the out of place teens, but you couldn't quite figure it out.

"i'd recommend changing that sweater." you stopped them dead in their tracks.

the brown-haired boy spoke up with a hint of attitude, "why?"

"look across the field. the warriors wear the same colors as you. the student section would eat you alive." you smirked and he returned it.

"i'm sure i'll be fine."

"charlie, would you hurry up? chris is waiting for me!" the one in the red spoke up while the tall one rolled his eyes.

"cool it, lover boy."

"at least we'll have a name to put on your body bag."

"and yours is?"

"it's y/n!" you smiled at him subconsciously. the other two were growing impatient with the quick banter. the taller one was staring off into space while the one in red was tapping his foot. he then cleared his throat like an annoyed school teacher.

the taller one was now shooting daggers at him. you could see him eyeing the concession stand just as you were. the brown-haired boy was cunning, and a little cute. the taller one, though, caught your eye with his annoyed looks at the boy in the red sweater as well as concession stand.

"well, better get going!" the boy in the red sweater nearly ran to the bleachers. he dragged charlie behind him who was making eyes towards you. you ignored his immature advances with a smile but the tall one immediately headed towards the busy stand.

"can i come with?" you caught up to him quickly.

"oh," he his eyes lingered on you for a second, "of course."

the two of you briskly walked to the stand. there was little conversation to be had in the short walk, but the long line provided for optimal conversation time. you could tell he was shy. he seemed to find your offer of joining him unusual. you attempted to break the silence between you two with some questionable conversation.

"so, what are you here for?" you crossed your arms in front of you. you began to slightly rock back and forth on your heels which was a habit you were attempting to break.

"knox, the impatient one, has a massive crush on chri-"

he immediately cut himself short, "i wasn't supposed to say that."

you smiled at his mistake, "honestly, who doesn't have a crush on her?"

he gave you a surprised look but nodded his head in what seemed to be agreement.

"she is pretty," he blushed a tad bit, "just not the person i'm looking for."

"who are you looking for? tina louise?"

he gave you a look of distaste. the two of you moved slightly ahead in the slow line. the game seemed to be picking up for ridgeway as the bleachers erupted in cheers once again.

"i wouldn't mind, but she's not what i could call attainable."

"i suppose that's fair." you looked ahead of you. the cold air was hitting your face. you had assumed your red crewneck with ridgemont high across the front in white lettering would help but it didn't.

"are you cold?" he perked up after a few seconds of silence.

"only a little, but it's okay."

he gave you a look of sympathy. his cheeks were a light pink now. he was scrunching up his nose in an attempt to warm it up. you gave him a small smile at his cute habit.

"i would give you my sweater if i wasn't only wearing a white shirt under this."

"you're vastly under prepared," you paused, "that would've been a perfect time to use your name."

he looked frustrated by the question. you copied his look of sympathy from before.


"just gerard?"

"um, pitts. my last name is pitts."

"cute name."

"yours is far better than mine." he gave you a defeated look.

you attempted to cheer him up with a smile but it didn't seem to do the trick. luckily, him being next in like perked him right up. you ordered first to his dismay. you grabbed your drink quickly and began to walk away. the brief interaction was fun, but you didn't expect anything to come from it. he was cute but he seemed disinterested. that was until you heard shuffling behind you.

you turned around to see pitts now with two hot dogs in his hand, a coke in the other, and a wrapped snickers bar in his mouth.

"hungry?" you giggled lightly.

he somehow maneuvered the snickers bar out of his mouth, "a little."

"i wonder what gave it away."

"i'm sorry for the poor conversation. i'm always a little off when i'm hungry."

"do you keep emergency candy bars in your pocket?"

"yeah, um, maybe you could add your phone number to the collection." his nervousness was appealing.


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