you're so vain

498 5 1

year set: 1960
she/her pronouns used

you bit down on your bottom lip as hard as you could. the taste of blood soon filled your mouth. your throat burned from holding down the tears. you stood there silently as charlie kissed her goodbye at his door. you felt the need to go back into your dorm and find refuge under the covers. you had cried for days. you missed class after class. neil decided it was best you left your room before nolan got involved.

neil told you that it was your day when he woke you up that morning. you could do what you'd like and the poets, minus charlie, would help in whatever ways they can. you wish they could help you forget the past few weeks. erase your memories of this past year. you could forget that charlie ever asked you out and you could forget when he finally broke up with you for the girl who left his dorm a few minutes ago.

you two exchanged a quick glance as you finally gained the courage to pass by him. he looked as though he was going to say something but you made sure he didn't get the opportunity. there was nothing left to say, clearly. you made your way downstairs and he followed awkwardly behind you. at the bottom of the steps pitts was waiting for you with tickets in hand. charlie took notice of his gesture but walked by without a word.

"two tickets for the apartment tonight at 7." he smiled wide.

you talked to pitts about the movie endlessly. you'd seen it three times, but never got tired of it. you told him you would take him a little over a week ago but after the breakup you hadn't had the motivation to go see it.

"pitts, i don't know. i think i just want to stay in," you pulled at the sleeves of your sweatshirt, "plus my outfit isn't exactly movie ready."

"well, go get 'movie ready.'" he mocked your comment with quotations.


"i'm not taking no for an answer. go!" he smiled and you made your way upstairs. you were hesitant but maybe it would be good. you get to see an amazing movie with an amazing friend. you were smart enough to not take charlie with you to the movie. you weren't going to let him this too.

the small wardrobe was filled to the brim in clothes. the unfortunate uniform made it difficult to go outside of your comfort zone but even a trip to the local coffee shop warranted a dress. you chose a short black and white plaid skirt combined with a tight black turtleneck. the cold, fall weather warranted black knee high boots that made you a little taller. you know you couldn't ever reach pitts' height but it never hurt to try. your hair stayed down, but the thick white hoops you had on still peeked through

this was the first time you had dressed up what felt like years despite it only being days. this wasn't normal for you. to go so long without trying out new outfit combinations every other day. you longed for charlie to tell you how pretty you look. you wanted him to beg to stay in again, just so you two could have some alone time. you tried to push out those thoughts as you put on some mascara to keep the tears from falling. you grabbed your small black purse that hung neatly on your desk chair. these days had been full of deep breaths and silent words of encouragement just to be able to leave your dorm. you walked out giving small smiles and hellos to your fellow classmates. your few girl friends at the school quietly cheered you on.

pitts waited at the bottom of the stairs biting the inside of his mouth. he was naturally pretty patient but felt awkward to be standing in such a popular spot. charlie stood at the telephone to look busy. despite the fact that he pulled the plug, his jealousy was clear.

you walked down the steps to see a large, goofy smile on pitts's face. he extended an arm in a sarcastic fashion which made you smile. you two intertwined your arms as you walked out of the stuffy school. charlie felt the need to follow and for once, nobody was there to stop him.

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