'tis the damn season

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the snow was falling gently outside of your window. despite the cold of december, you felt warm in your large sweater and comfy sweatpants. you had candles lit throughout the room as you read your large stack of winnie-the-pooh books. the collection was your favorite growing up and it felt like the perfect afternoon to reminisce. you found yourself entirely immersed by the childlike stories that you always adored.

just as the climax of the story took place, you could hear a light tapping coming from just outside your window. you assumed it was just the wind forcing a branch to tap on your window. you assumed this further until the light taps turned into heavy bangs within seconds. you looked over to expect heavier snow, but were instead greeted with a bundled-up neil perry outside of your window. you two had grown up next to each other your whole life, but you never got used to the proximity especially with him at school half of the time.

you have him a confused look. he gave you that familiar wide smile while you mouthed the word "what." he gave you the signal to open your heavy, white window. apart of you hesitated due to the likelihood of snow getting into your room, but you could never resist his beaming smile. you forced yourself out of bed and pulled up on the handle.

"can i help you?" you were struck by the cold immediately, but tried to ignore the snot already dripping from your nose.

"no," he smiled, "but our soon to be snowman could use you."

"neil perry, it's freezing."

"our poor snowman will be all alone in the snow if you refuse to help. i thought you were a giver!"

"i thought you weren't insane." you giggled at his excitement.

"just join me for a few minutes? please?" he smiled yet again.

"fine, fine." he laughed out of pure excitement and you closed the door. you put on your heaviest brown winter jacket, thick brown gloves, and a green beanie. you forced on some of your dads winter boots with a layer thick socks underneath them. you were smiling as your parents questioned the bulky attire.

you quickly rushed outside to see neil already forming the head of the snowman. he finally noticed you and rushed up to give you a hug.

"oh my god, i missed you y/n." he let go, and moved his hands to your waist as the two of you continued to talk.

"i missed you too, neil. that school takes you away for way too long."

"it's called hellton for a reason, sunshine."

he had called you sunshine since the elementary days. you walked into your first day of kindergarten with a bright yellow monochrome outfit. usually, your mother would dress you but she gave you free reign as you finally felt like an adult. since then, you've been the ray of sunshine walking through the old wooden door almost 14 years ago.

"so, what's your plan for this snowman?"

"poet and you don't even know it," he smiled, "maybe you should be apart of my society."

"oh, i can dream."

he had finally put the head on top of the two large boulders of snow. he put his hands on his hips in accomplishment. you giggled at his relieved smile and he immediately turned to look at you.

"what's so funny?" a smirk had begun to form.

"nothing! i mean, without the carrots and coal it looks a little empty."

"and that's funny?" he questioned.

"stop interrogating and go get a carrot for his nose. i'll steal coal from our fire pit out back."

he gave you a nod of recognition and ran off to his house. his dad was away on a conference, and his mom was who-knows-where. those small breaks form his father saved neil, and you felt relieved to see him smile wide again. that smile always melted your heart, and it was happening again despite the freezing cold.

you broke free from your daydream and ran over to the fire pit. your father had set it up last summer. it was his greatest accomplishment after the shed he had built two summers prior. you took the cover off and scooped up as much coal as you could carry. it was definitely too much, but neil was picky when it came to the arts. you ran back over. leaving a trail of coal behind you.

"y/n, you're losing his eyes!" neil yelled on his way back over with a large carrot in hand.

"we can make him some glasses!" you snickered as the two of you met back in front of the snowy creation.

he placed the carrot meticulously in the middle of the top snowball. he took some coal from your arms to create a large smile and two eyes.

"i told you so." you smiled.

"you just got lucky."

he took three more pieces and placed them in a vertical row across the snowman's stomach. he had that familiar smile of accomplishment and you felt the butterflies releasing all hell in your own stomach.

"y/n." the voice felt distant as you stared at neil.


you finally snapped out of your deep admiration.

"it's missing arms!" he told you, completely oblivious to your romantic daydreams.

he ran off again to grab two small twigs that fell from the old oak tree in your backyard. you felt embarrassed by how entranced you could get. he had always captivated you. he was outspoken, when he chose to be. he was kind, an inherent trait for neil perry. everyone wanted him. you included.

he came running back and stuck the twigs on either side of the snowman's middle. he gave you a big smile and you returned it. you wanted him to wrap you up in his arms, but he was far too captivated with his newest creation.

"so, neil, what's his name?"

"name? i didn't even think of one." he looked confused, and disappointed.

"i don't think he'll be upset with you, neil."

he giggled, "sunny."

"hm?" you cocked your head in curiosity.

"that's his name! sunny!"

"well he can't take my name, seems unfair." you smiled wide at the prospect of a snowman named after you.

"you and i both know it's a compliment, sunshine."

you both exchanged wide smiles and loud laughs. it felt like forever since you two were together. you had seen each other in passing, but life catches up to people quick. he would call you from school every once in awhile to update you on welton, dead poets society, and the play. those little updates kept you going throughout the boring winter months.

he quickly wrapped you up into a tight hug. it was seemingly unexpected, but that's what neil was good at. at least when he chose to be. you returned the tight squeeze and could hear neil breathe a sigh of relief. it felt strange, but comforting.

you pulled away while has hands still laid on your hips, "everything okay?"

you could tell the gears were turning in his head. it was a look you had seen too many times. you could feel your stomach drop almost instantly. neil could be quiet, but he was never this quiet around you.

before you could worry any further, his left hand moved up to the back of your head. it wasn't uncomfortable, but it was urgent. you almost questioned him but the soon to be words were stifled by his lips on yours. you tried to hold back a smile during the passionate kiss. he pulled you close with his right hand on your waist, and moved his hands up through your hair with his left. your hands moved up from his hips toward his face. the kiss lasted for what seemed to be 2 seconds, but you wished for two years.

he pulled away slowly. he rested his cold, red nose on yours. your eyes met each other. everything felt right, and surprising. the both of you let out breathy laughs of relief. that smile melted your heart again. that kiss melted you entirely.

"man." he let out.


he looked towards the snowman, "must be awkward for sunny."

you both felt into a laugh, and another passionate kiss.

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