07| almond shaped eyes

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I wish I could say that the practices hardly ever ended late. I wish. I had more responsibilities than other since I was the captain. Ly had messaged me that she was at the benches that were near to the football grounds.

The moment I reached there I laughed. Ly was smiling weirdly. Extremely weirdly.

“So I am going to assume only one thing which is that you talked to your crush, again.” I reached near her and she gave me the crush sick smile again. I agree, my best friends, both her and Maya have a few nut bolts loose.

She kept staring at me for a few minutes and the next thing I knew was that Ly jumped over me. Though I caught her in my arms but I stumbled from my position. I think she'll always get me, heads up or not. I wasn't as shocked as I was the first time but she still had me. She had me nearly falling!

It's normal. It's normal. She hugged me before too. It's okay.

It wasn't until a few seconds passed that I realized I was holding Ly from her waist. This time she wasn't the only one holding me. Holding her or not I was hugging her back as well.

My heartbeat soared up once again, something I really didn't appreciate. What's with the heart rate increasing everytime something like this happened? Why can I not be the normal person who would have no issues of high palpitations.

I don't think it was the Blakely effect. If any other girl came up and hugged me I would freeze, as well. This is because I had completely kept myself away from girls all the time I have spent in highschool. I think this is it...

My thoughts came to a stop when Ly parted herself from me, her lips pressed onto eachother while she avoided my eyes. Makes sense.

“Sorry for catching you off guard,” She mumbled, fidgeting her fingers. She was nervous.

“It's fine,” I didn't stutter this time and I was thankful for that. “Sorry for flustering you,”

“Did you fluster me though?” She peered back at me and this time there was a mischievous glint in her eyes. How'd she changed so fast? “I mean I was nervous but not anymore. I can not become what you were the first time I hugged you. It would be so shameful for me,”

“Great then. Same goes for me,” If she was fine then I was fine as well. A single hug won't be able to make me lose. No “But did Owen ask you out or something?”

“Do you ask someone out in second meeting? Isn't it even weird to say?” She scrunched her nose in disgust. She didn't really like the idea of that. I second with her. Asking someone out in just two meetings mean you are infatuated with the person's outer beauty.

“It is but you are so happy,”

“If you are forgetting Kev then let me remind you. Little things always mattered for me than the bigger ones,” She shook her head and marched forward before I could tell her that I remember her every single ramble.



he moment I had picked Physics as one of my subjects was the worst moment of life uptil now. Could time travel be a real option? I had intentionally dug my own grave. Numericals and derivations were not my cup of tea. Unfortunately, I realized this late. Even after studying it thoroughly I wasn't getting A+ or A but a B and I was thankful for that.

My other classes was making up for my Physics score especially the sports one. I scored straight A+ there, something I was so proud of. I always preferred basketball over football. My height was advantageous as well. And years of hard work landed me the place of captain in the team.

It was the final year and I would no longer be in school nor I would be the captain of my team. My team and teammates. There were 3 boys apart from me who were in the same year as me so it was also their last year as the highschool basket baller as well but the others were juniors. I had seen their potentials. One of them would replace my position. I felt sad but still proud.

The year end matches were near. There were total eight teams and seven matches. The final match took place after the exams and before graduation. The only disadvantage of being in the sports team was to take the studies and the game together. We even had to practice after school and sometimes we would return home in the evening.

All those times when I returned around 6, I somehow convinced Ly to stay with me. She might throw tantrums and hit me but I knew in the end she would give up.

I knew Ly like the back of my palm. Sometimes she was reserved but other times she wore her heart on her sleeve. Her eyes were the key to know what's going in heart and mind and I was the only one who could read them. Maybe ahead in our life there would be other people who would also be able to know her heart through her eyes but yet it won't change the fact that I was and will remain the first one.

The loud laughter from our lounge diverted my attention. There was no doubt that it was Ly. She would just casually come in or my mother would have opened the door for her.

Reaching down I found her gossiping with my mother. They would find topics to have a conversation onto.

“Why are you here?” I intervened and she pointed her finger towards the books atop of the table without stopping the conversation with my mom.

I glanced at them and heaved a quiet sigh. Ly and Chemistry were two words that shouldn't be used in a same sentence at the same time. Though she was a good student but Chemistry was slightly or completely out of her league. Her grades in Chemistry were quite similar to mine in Physics. It was a miracle she was passing the subject.

“I hope you get that,” My mother stood up giving some verbal strength to Ly and then left us two in the lounge.

“What do you even do in your class?” I tried my best to read through her scribblings of her today's note but everything was mixed up.

“I try my best but the teacher doesn't, I guess.” She guiltly looked up at me. “I promise these are the last of organic reactions,”

“Ly I suppose we take the same class and I only sit a seat ahead of you. You can not lie to me about this,” These reactions weren't the last. There were a couple of few more to go after these.

“That's the most coolest thing. So let's not chat and waste our time,” She sat like an obedient student and stared me through her big hazel eyes. Her eyes were the most prominent feature on her face along with her smile. She had almond shaped eyed. Something I found out in childhood when she put two almonds over her eyes and tried to scare me.

“Why are you smiling, idiot?” The memory had made me unconsciously smile.

“Something you shouldn't focus on. Start with what you remember from today's lecture,” I quickly put the memory of old Ly in the back of my mind and focused on the present Ly. People who would have seen her at that age and now would say she changed a lot and maybe she has but if one would look deeply in her eyes they would realize that's its the same Ly that was years ago.

The one that tries to hide her pain through her smile.

But there was none who could look into her eyes the way I did.

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