12| to receive a hug

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If one thing I hated; it was the way Kev could convince me into doing something I didn't wanna do and that directly meant watching him practice.

I had no interest whatsoever in seeing a group of men throwing a ball in the basket. A group of sweaty man!

It was only 3 when I glanced at my watch praying that somehow it was six but unfortunately there were still three hours to go.

I ended up doing not just mine but also Kev's History and Maths homework, something he should be extremely thankful about. I knew we had gotten Chemistry homework as well but I had spent the whole class apologizing and talking to Maya so I had no idea what we were taught.

Yawning, I pulled out my drawing book and flipped it open to a white page. I crossed my legs and sat comfortably keeping the book in my lap and started a rough sketch.

I was drawing on my impulse. My hand had a mind of its own, drawing lines and shading.

I quickly glanced up at the basketball court and then back down at my drawing. I shook my head as I realized what I had sketched.

It was Kevin. Kev but from the backside. The first time I drew Kev was when I was nine. My artistic abilities hadn't been nurtured at all so what I tried to draw was a cute boy with brown hair but my end result was a body with hands and legs and brown hair but from whatever angle I saw it, it wasn't Kev.

Kev freaked out seeing my drawing was an understatement. He tried to force a smile on his lips and gently asked me to never draw him again until I can draw him nicely.

Fortunately, Kev grew up to be a handsome boy so he was adamant of not seeing my drawing of him saying he doesn't want to have chills. In the end, being the kind friend Kev was, he allowed me to draw his backside and I was elated by King Kevin's permission.

He never knew but I had drawn his face as well. A lot of times. I could even see his face in my unconsciousness so if Kev thought that without his permission I won't draw him, he was wrong. I doubt it that he doesn't know that I kept drawing him.

I was so focused on my drawing, detailing it for my satisfaction that I did not realize where the time had passed. My attention was diverted when I felt a nudge on my shoulder and I found Kev scanning my drawing.

He was drenched in sweat and I recoiled back from him pinching my nose. He gave me a side glance, proceeding to dry his wet hair from a towel.

He was wearing his grey hoodie that meant we were about to leave in some time. I checked the court and only saw the coach there. How greatly I was focused to not register that the practice had even finished and everyone was on their way back home.

I quickly packed my bag standing up from my place. My numb butt was the remainder of how long I was sitting for.

“Why are you so quiet?” Kev suddenly asked me and I only gave him a confused stare. “Are you tired?”

“A little,” I said as I passed him his bag. He took it from my hands along with mine. “That's mine,”

“I know Ly,” He replied in a gentle voice, putting his bag on his back and shouldering mine. I noted how tired he looked. I was brought out of my reverie when Kev's hand enclasped mine. Somehow my hand was way colder than his. “Come on,”

We were walking towards the parking lot. The warmness that seeped through his hand in mine was comfortable. It was the first time I noticed how smaller my hands were… smaller than his.

I always adored my hands. My mom told me I have chubby soft hands and I always thought that my hands were so big. However, my hands weren't as big as Kev's. My hand fitted nicely into his. I unconsciously smiled. I always adored small things like this.

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