First Day

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*RING RING RING. You roll over and slam your alarm off, half aware of what day it even is. You let out a big sigh as you remember, "IT'S MY FIRST DAY AT MY NEW SCHOOL"! You rub your eyes just enough so you can see your hand in front of your face and frantically jump out of bed. After brushing your teeth and pulling your hair together the best you can after a sleep that restful, you start on your makeup. Not wanting to scare anyone off on the first day as the new girl, you stick to a natural look that will make you more approachable. As you start to put together an outfit that shows off your personality, you remember that teal uniform skirt and white button-down shirt you had to buy over summer break. Now feeling less than excited, you head downstairs and choke down some breakfast as fast as you can and hurry out the door, waving goodbye to your parents as they wish you luck.


"Can't be late on the first day," you think to yourself as you pick up the pace down the sidewalk. This whole walking to school thing sounds convenient and all, until the first snowfall that was bound to happen in the next few weeks. Finally, PK Academy in its glory right in front of you. The pictures you stalked of the school all last night did it less than justice. The school was beautiful. You take one second, two, and a deep breath in and out and start into the school. You want to come off as outgoing and approachable on the first day, so rather than the typical "head down, one foot in front of the other" charade, you keep your head forward and smile at your new peers as they walk by. You reach the classroom where first period is held. "Is this year 3 English"? You ask a woman you presume is the teacher. "It sure is," she says with a welcoming smile. You nod and head over to the only empty seat in the classroom. Good thing it's close enough to the back of the classroom where you won't stand out.


Keeping your head straight, you shift your eyes to the left to get a closer look at your neighbor. "His hair is bright pink," you think to yourself. "Born with it," he says out of the side of his mouth with a sly smirk. "How did you-" you trail off. "That's what you were thinking, wasn't it?" he says almost teasingly. "Well yes, but-," "I thought so," he says with a breathy laugh. You crack the slightest smile and face forward. "Is me"? you think to yourself. You hear him chuckle while simultaneously hearing him think to himself, "this will be interesting."

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