Later That Day

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The final bell rings for the day as you gather your things off your desk and shove them unorganized into your backpack. Your mind is too all over the place to worry about keeping a neat school bag. You walk down the hall faster than your classmates and rush out the doors to the student parking lot. You walk by all the seniors getting into their cars and find your way to the sidewalk that leads home. "I can't believe it," you mumble to yourself as you almost trip over your own feet out of confusion. You thought you were the only one. The only one that had powers. The only one that understood what it was like. And the only one that had to go through the hell of hearing everyone's inner thoughts all day long. You shake your head as if you're trying to shake all these running thoughts out of your ears and put one foot in front of the other, and just focus on getting home to have some time alone to think.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Hurrying to get some homework done y/n?", mom yells up the stairs after you barge through the front door. "Something like that," you say under your breath as you throw your backpack on the floor of your bedroom. You layout on your bed still in your school uniform and stare at the ceiling in deep thought. He seemed so shy at first, but when he had his moments alone with you, he was bold and confident. You wonder if he just can't stand "normal" people because they'll never truly understand his life. "Was he born like this too?" "Has he mastered teleportation and aportion?" "Clairvoyance?" "Psychokinesis?" Telepathy wasn't even a question.You already found out he could read your mind the hard way. There were so many unanswered questions that it would be impossible to focus on anything else until they were all answered or demonstrated, like the telepathy. You haul yourself up to sitting on the edge of your bed and contemplate whether or not you have it in you to shower and get in your pajamas after the mentally exhausting day you had. Not only thinking about Saiki but having to hear all your classmates' thoughts after having a long summer break away from that. You tried to avoid large crowds all summer because that was your only time during the years where you weren't forced to hear 100+ people's thoughts for seven hours straight. Your germaphobe side won the mental battle as you sigh and head to your bathroom, slipping off that ugly teal skirt and button-down shirt. You turn on the shower to let the water heat up as you grab a towel when it hits you. Invisibility. You wrap the towel around yourself as fast as you can, thinking he might be in your bathroom trying to watch you in the shower. He didn't seem like the creepy stalker type. Besides, you never gave him your name. That doesn't matter though, if he wanted to find where you lived, he could just use his clairvoyance. You decide to keep the towel around you until you get behind the shower curtain. Besides, if he's anything like you, he would become visible if you touched him. The shower is too small for you not to touch him, so you figure you're safe as you start to wash your long, vibrant, lavender hair. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You brush out your hair and head back over to your bed to finally relax. You get comfy under the covers and try to find something on tv that hasn't been spoiled yet by other people's thoughts or conversations. You finally settle on your favorite cartoon that you've already seen a hundred times over because you can't take your mind off that pink-haired boy long enough to focus on a show. Every time you think about him, you start to feel butterflies fill up your stomach. Your face turns a shade of red because you know if he is also thinking about you, he would see how you were truly feeling. He was so mysterious and confident that you needed to learn more. You doubt that he would be sitting at home thinking the way you are, so you decide to cheat and use clairvoyance to see what he is doing. You cross your eyes and see him sitting criss-cross in his living room watching tv with a coffee jelly in hand. You sigh, almost disappointed that he isn't thinking about you. You turn off your tv for the night and take a sip of water before lying your head on your pillow and closing your eyes. Your mind is still thinking about pink hair and...wait a minute. What are those things on his head? *Clairvoyance* "How did I never notice that before?" you ask yourself. You must have been too focused on his deep purple eyes and soft electric pink hair to notice his...antennae. Was he born with those? What do they do? Why don't you have them? There were too many questions that you were too mentally tired to even think about trying to answer, and with that, you close your eyes and drift off to sleep until tomorrow.

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