Christmas Break

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A few weeks have past since you kissed Saiki at the park. The two of you have built a closer connection and have been hanging out a lot after school. The two of you have been working on your powers and he has taught you more about yourself in the past few weeks than you have ever known your whole life. You know you have developed deeper feelings for Saiki and you are pretty sure he has as well. But you're hoping some time together over Christmas break will help you confirm your assumption. 


Saiki's POV:

Ever since I have been spending more time with y/n I've been feeling something inside me that I've never felt before. I don't know how to feel about it or what to call it. The only people I've ever felt strongly for are my parents but that's a different feeling from what I'm feeling about y/n. It's this fire I feel burning deep inside me, but it's a good warmth. I feel like I actually care about her. I care what happens to her. I want her to care about me the same way. Only time will tell. I could ask her to come over to celebrate Christmas. We could spend some more time alone together and I would have the opportunity to entertain this thing people call feelings.


It's about a week before Christmas and you and your peers have been let out of school for Christmas break. You sit on the edge of your bed and pull on your favorite Christmas socks and take the damp towel out of your hair, revealing your purple locks. Your phone vibrates the nightstand next to your bed and you jump. Who would be texting you this late at night? You squeeze the last bit of water out of your long hair and pick up your phone only to see that it's Saiki. He wants you to come over tomorrow night for "Christmas festivities". You feel the butterflies start to build up in your stomach as you quickly respond, telling him you can't wait. 

The next day can't go by any slower. There's nothing you want more than it to be 7pm so you can finally be with Saiki. He informed you earlier that he would be the only one home, so the two of you wouldn't have to deal with his parent's over excitement about him having a girl over for the first time.

It's finally about 5 o'clock so you figure you better start getting ready. You click the tv off, which has been your only distraction you've had all day, and head upstairs to take a shower. You pick up your pink razor and stare at it while you cock your head trying to decide if you should put it to use or not. After a few minutes of contemplation you start to put shaving cream basically on every inch of your body below your head. You laugh at yourself as you do this because you doubt anything will happen between you and Saiki that would warrant all this preparation. You rinse the shampoo and conditioner out of your long hair and step out of the shower to dry off. Once your hair is dry, you decide to throw a few curls in and put on some makeup. You click your phone on and realize it's 6:50pm and you quickly run downstairs to put you boots on, grab your things, and head out the door to Saiki's house. 

As you walk down the sidewalk that leads to his house, the butterflies come back and you feel all giddy inside. You reach his front steps, adjust your antennae, take a deep breath and reach for the door bell. But before you get the chance to ring it, the door opens and Saiki is standing right in front of you. He moves to the side as a gesture for you to come in. You hear his inner thoughts and giggle. He must have forgot about that power, and that you would know how nervous he was. 

"Do you want to sit down?" he asks quietly.

"For sure" you respond with a smile.

The two of you sit on the couch next to each other, but not close enough to hear him breathing. He asks if you want to put on a Christmas movie while he makes the two of you hot chocolate. You decide on a movie as he places your mug in front of you on the coffee table. You thank him and start the movie. About 20 minutes into the movie you start to feel anxious, and by the way the couch gently starts to vibrate beneath you, you assume Saiki feels the same. You feel he is peering out of the side of his eye at you every few seconds. You take a minute to collect yourself and build up some confidence before you slowly slide your hand over to his along the couch. When your pinkies touch you hear him hiss a breath in through his teeth. The couch starts to move more, and he intertwines his fingers with yours and turns his head to face you. He cracks a half smile and moves his head gesturing for you to move closer. You take a deep breath and scooch to the side so the outsides of your thighs are touching. 

You've never been this close to a boy in  your life and you know you're the first girl he has ever been with too. With that in the back of your mind you suddenly don't feel as nervous. You are both feeling and experiencing something new. 

"I've been wanting to tell you something for a long time now y/n" he says as he squeezes a nervous fist with his other hand.

"What would that be?"

"I-I..." he stutters.

"Saiki what is it, you can tell me anything".

"No, I-I can't. I-I don't know how".

"Saiki just-" he cuts you off.

"I love you, y/n. I have for a while now. I've never felt like this before, I didn't know what it was or how to tell you but I guess I just did".

"Saiki I-" you mumble

"You don't feel the same, don't you? I knew I shouldn't have said anything I'm so stupid just forge-"

"I love you Saiki".

He stares at you with bright eyes in shock. He never thought the event of finally expressing his feelings to you would turn out like this.

He reaches a shaky hand up to cup your cheek. It seems as everything in the room his gone silent. You can't hear the movie playing in the background, you can't hear the wood popping in the fire. The only sound you hear in this ever so quiet room is his shallow breathing. You swear you can even hear his heart pounding in his chest. Nothing else matters. He shifts his hand to the back of your head and pulls you in so close that you feel his breath against your skin. He pauses for a moment to look deeper into your eyes and then pulls you in, pressing his lips to yours. You thought your first kiss with Saiki was magical, until this one. No one has ever kissed you as passionately as he is in this moment. He places his free hand at the small of your back and gently pulls you closer to him. You swing one leg over his lap, straddling him, never letting go of each other's lips. The fire is building up between you two and your breathing starts to pick up. You feel him breathing shakily into your mouth. 

He pulls away for a second and as you go to pull him back in he asks, "should we take this upstairs"? 

You nod frantically and you both let out a breathy laugh. He stands up with your legs still wrapped around his waist and carries you upstairs. Once you get to his bedroom he gently places you on your feet still kissing you. He walks you backwards to his bed and you feel the edge of the bed hit the backs of your knees. He carefully lies you down and his eyes trail up and down your body.

"You're so beautiful", he whispers.

You giggle and turn your head shying away from his compliment. He bends over, hovering over your body and places a kiss on your neck. It sends a shiver down your spine in the best way.

"I-I'm kind of new to this...", he says quietly.

His cheeks turn bright red in embarassment and starts to fidget with his hands, not knowing where to put them.

"It's okay. I am too", you reassure him with a gentle smile.

You reach for his hand and place it right above your chest and he takes a sharp breath in. You let go of his hand and he slowly starts to move it down. He shoots his eyes up at yours asking for your approval. You nod and lay your head back down against his pillow. He moves his hand down your chest and lifts the bottom of your shirt up, sliding his hand underneath. He lets out a sharp breath and continues to feel as your breathing starts to pick up. 

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