The Time Before

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*Saiki's POV*

There was a point on my timeline before I met y/n. I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to like someone, let alone love another person. I figured I'd just spend the rest of my life alone, which honestly I was okay with, until I met who I was missing. Now I'm not so sure about everything I've thought before. You would think constantly hearing other people's thoughts would keep a guy company, but you're dead wrong. It's a lonely feeling. But when I'm with y/n, all I can hear is her. Her voice, her thoughts, her wants and needs. That is the only time I don't feel alone. One person's voice and thoughts keeps me company over the millions of other voices that I'm typically drowning in. 



Nope. Not today. I rewinded time back to Sunday because school does not sound too appealing right now. I go back to sleep for an hour until I decide it would be decent to get up and start the day. Every morning I wake up and pray that my powers escaped my body while I was sleeping, but I am let down day after day. Sleeping is the only time of day I get a break, so waking up is usually hell. I ran a brush through my fluorescent hair, brushed my teeth, and head downstairs. I am immediately met with my parent's too-loud voices for this early in the morning. 

"I'm heading out", I tell them while I make my way over to where my shoes are placed. 

"You don't want breakfast Ku? You'll be hungry!", my mom yells after me.

Little does she know, since she can't read minds, that I am on my way to my favorite cafe to treat myself with some coffee jelly. I figured if I'm skipping school today I might as well make it worth it. It's almost the end of the school year with one week left before I can have some of my freedom back. Since it's nearing summer, it's hotter than ever out, and unfortunately with hot weather comes more people outside. It's not the same peaceful walk I take during the fall or winter when everyone's inside avoiding the cold. It doesn't take long until I'm already being bothered. 

"Excuse me sir-" I hear from behind me.

Good grief. I know she wants me to take a picture of her and her boyfriend, but what do I look like a photographer? I'm busy and quite frankly don't want to surround myself with all that gross PDA. I could just teleport to the cafe so I don't have to deal with anyone else, but there's too many people around to do that right now. 

"I'll just have to suck it up for the rest of the walk", I say as I dodge people left and right. 


I finally get to the cafe and order my typical coffee jelly. I was sitting minding my own business trying to enjoy the little alone time I have and all of a sudden my head starts to fill up with these frantic thoughts. It was hard to make out exactly what the thoughts were saying, but it was a female voice. It sounded nervous and unsure, and I did catch that she was new to town. The voice is getting louder which means she's getting closer.

"She better not come in here and ask me for anything", I say to myself under my breath.

Suddenly I see a girl walk by the window of the cafe. She has long lavender hair and is looking down at her phone even though it's turned off. Just as I think she's going to keep walking she stops and looks startled and almost embarrassed. I get this sudden and overwhelming sense that she can hear what I'm thinking too. I know that can't be true. I'm the only person with these cursed powers, and I would hope no one else is stuck with this curse too. But then again, it would be nice to have someone to relate to. What am I thinking? She probably just realized she forgot something, but if that were the case, I would hear. This is the strangest thing I've ever experienced with another person, but I suddenly can't hear her thoughts. It's like she knows I'm listening and doesn't want me to. 

She picks her head up and keeps walking to wherever she was headed to. I focus my attention back on the coffee jelly in front of me and try to ignore that strange...encounter.

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