Somewhere Quiet

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Finally, it's the weekend. You wouldn't say you liked the stares at school from people gawking at my new antennae. But, rather than going through the hassle of mind-controlling everyone at PK Academy, your excuse is that you got the accessory inspiration from Saiki. No one questioned you as they have picked up how much the two of you have been talking recently. You are excited to wear your own clothes rather than that ugly teal uniform for a change. You curl your long, lavender hair and slip on a short skirt with some knee-high socks and a warm sweater. The seasons are changing, and it's not as warm out as it was at the beginning of the school year. You have nothing to do today but stare at yourself in the mirror and wonder how your powers work with the limiters on. You are too scared to try to use your powers inside until you know how well the limiters work, so you figure you should ask Saiki to meet you somewhere to test them out.

*Telepathy* "Maybe you could show me the ropes?" you send him.


*Saiki's POV*

"Good grief," he thinks to himself. He wasn't nearly ready to go out looking the way he did. He slept well last night, so well that he has marks on his face from the crinkles in his pillow. He sat up, rubbed his eyes with fists, and reached over to his nightstand to put on his neon green glasses.

*Telepathy* "Give me 20?" he sends to y/n.


*Telepathy* "Sure thing."

You smile and head downstairs to eat some breakfast while you wait for Saiki to be ready. You hurry with breakfast even though you still have about 19 minutes until Saiki is supposed to be ready. You scroll through your phone for the remaining minutes of your wait.


*Saiki's POV*

"Since it's the weekend, y/n will probably be dressed in nice clothes, so I should put something on that's not too boring." He shuffles through his closet, looking for that grey, striped sweater that's never failed him. "This'll do," he says to himself. He pulls a white t-shirt over his head and slips on the striped cardigan sweater. He heads to the bathroom to brush his teeth and fix his hair the best he could after a night's sleep like the one he got last night. His hair is ruffled, and a little messy looking but looks more touchable than ever. He smooths the sweater and gives himself the once over in the floor-length mirror leaning against the wall and heads downstairs.

"Ku, can I get you some breakfast?" his mom asks.

"I'm not hungry, mom, thanks," and he heads out the door with a wave goodbye. His dad had already gone to work for the day so he wouldn't have to worry about the interrogation from him about his weekend rendezvous. The door closes behind him on its own, and he heads to the park y/n had in mind without even needing to ask.


You see he is already on his way to the park using your clairvoyance, and you hurry out the door and start down the sidewalk. You would teleport, but you're too scared you might go back in time now that you have limiters, so walking will do for now. Besides, you have some time since Saiki took the walking route, trying not to draw too much attention to himself. However, if that were the case, maybe he shouldn't have worn a zebra-striped sweater.

You see him as you both approach the park, and you wave. He says a quick hello, but wants to get right down to business.

"So, where do you want to start?" he asks.

"Wherever you think is best."

"Try levitating."

You give him a nervous look because you don't want to shoot up to space or, even worse, fall flat on your face. You take a deep breath and think hard, and suddenly you're floating gently in the air.

"Saiki, I did it!"

"Yes, I can see that," he says with a smile.

You come back down to earth and hug him out of gratitude. But, instead, he stands stiff as a board and turns the same color as his hair.

"Anything else you want to learn?" he says as he clears his throat and straightens out his sweater.

"Everything," you say back.

The two of you spend the whole day together, letting time fly by without even noticing as he teaches you everything you need to know now that you have limiters. Finally, after hours of testing out powers, you both stop and look around the empty park. There are leaves and cherry blossoms all over the place. The grass has been torn up, and you both looked like you did when you first woke up this morning. You both seem shocked at how much of a mess you made, but then you both let out the biggest laughs. Seeing Saiki laugh was something you loved because it wasn't something he did often. He was usually so quiet and reserved, but he feels like he can be himself around you. You feel the same way. Finally, someone like you. Someone you feel you can be authentic around without being judged. Someone you view the world the same as. As you are thinking all these things to yourself, you start to realize those butterflies you have been feeling so often recently are because you have developed feelings for Saiki. This beautiful pink-haired boy was just like you. You meet each other's gaze as you walk towards him. The sun is starting to set, and you can't believe how much time you spent together without even noticing. The park is almost silent, except for the sound of the wind blowing around the loose leaves that cover the grass like a blanket. Before you even realize what you're doing, you reach a hand up to his cheek and smooth one thumb over his soft skin.

"I really like you, Saiki," you say only loud enough for him to hear.

"I like you too, y/n."

You blush as you reflect on the thoughts you have heard since you met. Saiki doesn't like a whole lot of people, so him saying this was a change for him. You could feel his energy rather than reading his mind as you felt how nervous and excited he was at this moment. You know Saiki is shy, so you want to help make things easier on him. You start to lean forward when all of a sudden, he throws his arm around you and places a hand on the small of your back, pulling you in. He cups your face as he presses his soft lips to yours. Everything around you disappears, and it's just the two of you. He kisses you so softly as if he were any less gentle, you would break. You knew this was his first kiss but only because of his thoughts, not his performance. It was the most magical kiss you've ever shared with anyone, and you feel as though you could let it go on forever. You both pull away at the same time and stare into his deep purple eyes.

"I'll see you on Monday," he whispers.

"Monday," you say back reassuringly.

He backs up about an arm's length away from you and teleports back home. You wave at the space where he was once standing and head back to the sidewalk to make your way home with a smile as bright as his neon pink hair.


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