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The bell rings as you start to pack up your things. You veer to the left to say bye to your new...friend. But as fast as the bell rang, he was gone. You sling your backpack over your shoulder and rush disheveled down the hallway, trying to find him. You have to get him alone to ask him the question that's running wild through your head, at least. You're now running late for class, but you don't care. The priority was to find him as soon as possible. You're practically running down the hall now, the lockers flying by the corner of your eyes making you dizzy. "Why is this damn school so big?" you complain to yourself out of breath. When suddenly you feel yourself lose your step and all your papers go flyi-. They stopped. The pieces were levitating in mid-air right before your eyes. You pick your head up and see him standing right in front of you with his finger raised in front of his face. He gathers the papers floating gently in the air and hands them to you on the floor. You stand up and meet his gaze with a look that has questions written all over it. "So you're-," "psychic?" he says with a smirk. "And you are...", he says, more as a statement than a question. "Psychic," you say in unison. You were about to ask how he knew until you realize the answer is pretty much in the definition of the unspoken spoken word. He reaches a hand up to your long purple locks and twirls a strand between his long fingers. His gaze is unbreakable as he stares far past your eyes, practically seeing every image in your head. "I won't tell if you don't," he mumbles quiet enough for only your ears to hear. "I won't, I would never," you say with an urgency. You understand how people can take advantage of your powers, as they have in the past, and it's a burden you wouldn't want to place on him. "Likewise," he says as he starts to walk past you, but you fling your head around and ask him to wait. He stops right in his tracks and angles his head as if he was asking what you wanted. "I never got your name..." you say, but as soon as you get the words, he rolls his eyes, "do you even need to ask"? "Saiki," you utter to yourself. "Kusuo Saiki." He laughs and continues down the hall. You stay right where you stand and feel butterflies start to build up in your stomach. You crack a smile, comb your hair back into place with your fingers after he felt brave enough to touch it, and follow his stroll back to class. Late.

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