The Party

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"Absolutely not."

"Oh come on Saiki, please just come!", you beg him.

I was invited to this party and since it's not really my scene, I don't want to go alone. Saiki isn't exactly sociable either but you figured you'd try. 

"Not happening", he says in a stubborn voice.

"Fine", you say in a voice that lets him know you're disappointed. 

You head upstairs with Saiki close on your tail to watch you get ready. While he doesn't want to go, he still wants to see you have fun. You twist your hair up on top of your head with a few loose strands of lavender hair bouncing in front of your face and get started on your makeup. You decide the messy bun is the way to go. You don't feel like putting in too much effort since this party isn't your idea of fun. You slip on a pair of tight, distressed jeans, and pull a t shirt over your already messy hair, causing a few more pieces to fall in front of your face. 

"There. All ready!", you say as you flatten your shirt against your body with your hands.

"You look beautiful", Saiki says as you turn around to face him.

You shoot him a soft smile and slip on your white sneakers. 

"I won't be gone long, I want to get out of there as soon as possible", you say with a sigh.

"8 o' clock?", he asks in a way that seems more like a statement.

"8 o'clock", you agree with a laugh.

You head out the door with your purse in one hand, and your phone in the other trying to get the address from your friend. Teleporting seems much easier right now since you're already tired and the night hasn't even begun. You pop up next to the house and can hear the bass from the music rattling the windows from outside. You let out a deep breath and knock on the door. You roll your eyes knowing no one will hear that, so you just open the door and walk in.

The music is almost deafening as you force yourself through a swarm of sweaty bodies. 

"Gross", you mumble. 

It smells like alcohol even though everyone here is underage. You finally see your friend through the crowd and push yourself one last time to break through to her. 

"Hey girl!", she yells over the noise clearly in a drunken voice. 

You laugh as she hands you a red cup full of god only knows what. You take a sip and a sour look comes across your face. 

"I can't believe people enjoy this shit", you think to yourself.

You take another social-swig and trail behind your friend to find the rest of the girls, when suddenly you feel a hand tighten against your arm.

You follow the hand up the arm to see who it belongs to. It's a boy you don't recognize, who is seemingly older than you.

"Well who do we have here?", he asks in a flirtatious way.

"Um y/n?" you say questionably.

"Come with me y/n" he says as he starts to tug on your arm that he never let go of.

"But my friends-", he cuts you off.

"That's can find them later", he slurs a bit.

He starts to tighten his grip on your arm and pull you up the stairs. You're almost running to keep up with him so he doesn't pull you flat on your face in front of everyone. Not that anyone is paying attention anyways. You pray that your friends notice you've strayed from the group and come looking for you. 

You reach the top of the stairs and he pulls you into an empty bedroom that you're almost positive doesn't belong to him. 

"I think I'm going to go back downstairs now", you say in a shaky voice as you start to make your way towards the door, that you're now realizing has been shut...and locked.

"I think you should stay a bit longer", he says as he pushes you against the bed.

"Please just let me go", you say as tears start to fill your eyes.

He starts to run his hand down your stomach when the door flies open and a fist forces his face away from yours. 

"Saiki?!", you say through sobs.

"She said she wanted to leave, and she shouldn't have to tell you twice", Saiki says furiously.

He walks over to the boy laying on the ground with a busted cheek and steps over him. Saiki bends down and grabs the boys shirt to lift him off the ground as he plants another punch breaking his nose. 

"Are you insane?!", the boy yells as blood pours down his face.

Instead of answering, Saiki punches him one more time knocking him unconscious. 

"That's enough Saiki!", you yell as you pull him off the body.

You've never seen him like this so it almost scares you.

"Are you okay? Did he touch you?", he asks frantically as he analyzes your body.

"Just my wrist", you say through the tears.

He looks down at your bruised wrist and you can see him getting angrier. He tries to calm himself down as he runs a hand over your cheek and pulls you into his chest. He lets out a sigh of relief and picks you up. 

A swarm of people crowd the door all yelling about what they see in front of them. Saiki runs the two of you through the crowd and teleports you back to his house before he has to interact with anyone else about what just happened. 

He places you gently on his bed and gets supplies from a first aid kit. He starts to wrap your wrist and places an ice pack on it.

"Any better?", he asks in a concerned voice.

"Much better, thank you", you say as you take the place of his hand over the ice pack.

"If I hadn't checked on you through my telepathy and gotten there even a minute later I-", you cut him off.

"I'm not your burden to bear Saiki. None of it would have been your fault. You shouldn't worry so much about me and things you can't control".

"Well I do!", he yells and it startles you.

"I can't help it. I don't even want to think about what would have happened if I hadn't showed up. All I want to do is protect you, and you put yourself in that unsafe situation.", he says angrily.

"None of that was my fault! I just wanted to enjoy myself with my friends until I was grabbed!", you yell defensively. 

"That's not what I'm saying!" he shouts.

"I love you okay?! You drive me crazy and I don't want anything to happen to you. Parties like that are dangerous and I never want anything like that to ever happen again. It's my fault for not sucking it up and going with you!", he says and you think you see his eyes start to get watery.

"It was that stupid drunk boy's fault Saiki, not yours! You've done nothing but protect me since we've been together so stop thinking you aren't doing enough!", you yell at him as you start to cry.

Theres silence after your last jab. He stands there for a minute and looks into your teary eyes. Before you know it he closes the space between the two of you, and places his lips on yours.

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