Coffee Jelly

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The following day goes as usual. You get ready for school, eat breakfast, and head out for the day. You can barely sit still during homeroom while you anxiously await first period. You're already packed up and out the door as the first bell of the day rings. You let his vibrant hair guide you to your seat to his right. You sit down, trying not to make too much eye contact. He smiles shyly and turns away to open a book. You can't help but hear the voice of a girl swooning over herself over the teacher's voice. "Saiki has no reason not to like me. I am the perfect pretty girl", she says. "Kokomi Teruhashi," you think to yourself. You notice Saiki subtly roll his eyes and laugh. You can tell he doesn't like her, but you still feel angry and maybe even a little jealous of her thoughts. "It's completely one-sided," you hear telepathically. You whip your head to the left as he shoots you a half-smile. You can't break his gaze, and then "RING RING," class is over, and you both hurry out the door on your way to second period.


The rest of the day is dull, considering you only have first period with Saiki. The day feels longer than they did before you met that pink-haired boy. On your walk home, you think about how you need to get him alone. You can't go one more day without having all your questions answered, and since you don't think he will come to you, you decide to go to him. *Telepathy* "Let's get coffee jelly," you send to him.


*Saiki's POV*

"How does she know I like coffee jelly?" "She must have used clairvoyance on me last night," he thinks to himself. *Telepathy* "Sure, meet me at the cafe in 5?" he sends back.


Your face turns bright red, and you redirect your route to the cafe you both had in mind. You stop in front of a store to address your hair situation in the window before you continue to the cafe. When you first walk through the doors, you look around and don't see him. You would think that hair would stick out like a sore thumb. But you take one more look and see him appear out of thin air in the back of the cafe out of anyone else's sight. Teleportation. How lazy. You saunter over to him and rest your jacket over the back of your seat. You go to pull your chair out, but it moves before you even get the chance. Psychokinesis.

How sweet. You sit down as he sits across from you. The waitress comes over, and before she can even ask what we want, "two coffee jellies, please," Saiki says without moving his mouth. "Coming right up," she says, already on her way to the kitchen. The spoons on the table start to shake, and you automatically put your hands under your legs with a nervous laugh. "Having trouble controlling your powers?" Saiki asks in an almost mimicking voice. "Only sometimes," you reply, embarrassed. "See these things," he says as he rolls his eyes up as if he is trying to look at the top of his own head. "Yes?", you say assuming he is referring to his alien-like antennae. "They're called limiters. I wear them to help me control my powers. As I got older, my powers only grew stronger and stronger. If I didn't wear these, I could blow up my entire house with just a thought. And since we can't have that, I can never take them off".

"Wow, that's- that's amazing."

"You could benefit from a pair," he says, laughing.

"Maybe you could help me out with that."

"Fine, but you owe me a coffee jelly," he says as he eats the one in front of him with a smile. "If you want, we can go back to my house, and I can try and see what I can do." He offers.



You walk together to Saiki's house, but halfway there, he pulls you off the sidewalk and behind a store on the side of the road.

"What are you doing?"

"Walking is so lame," he says as he grabs your hand.

You both teleport right to his front door in an instant. You look at him and laugh as the ground beneath both of you starts to rumble.

"If I take you inside, will you promise not to break anything?"

"I'll do my best..."

He shoots you a smile and opens the front door without touching the doorknob. You walk through the door and hear the most friendly voices welcome Saiki home. His parents. They were so sweet, but you could tell they were a bit overbearing.

"Who's this Ku?" they both ask in unison with the biggest smiles.

"She's a friend from school that came over to help me with my homework."

"Oh well, you two have fun!" his mom says as you both head up to his bedroom.


"Please take a seat," he motions to his desk chair.


He starts to pull out a box of what looks like tools, wires, and his laptop.

"This isn't going to hurt, is it?" you ask analytically.

"They don't go into your head..." he says completely deadpan.

You let out a sigh of relief as he fiddles with some wires and screws. He does this for about five minutes before plugging one of the wires into his laptop. You aren't really into technology, but by the looks of it, it seems he is programming something through the wire into the structure that you presume is an antenna. You both sit in silence while you watch him work his magic. You don't want to distract him from making these as perfect as possible. After all, you don't want something sticking out of your head that could hurt you.

"Aaaaand done," he says, sounding more than pleased with himself.

"Wow, I- love them," you say, astonished by his abilities.

He motions a finger telling you to "come here." You get up without question and make your way towards his bed, where he is sitting, feet hanging off the edge. He tilts his head, telling you to sit next to him. Hesitantly, you take your seat, and the bed starts to shake, which of course, makes your face turn almost a shade of purple now. He laughs and says, "We better get these on fast." He pushes your hair behind your ears and places one and then the other on your head, just like his. He walks you over to his mirror and asks, "so, how do you like them?"

You stare at the two of you in the mirror rather than just yourself, assessing how similar you look now. You laugh and nod your head with a big smile.

"I'm glad. They look good", he says.

You smile and thank him nervously, expecting the ground beneath you to crumble. But it doesn't. You look at him fast with wide eyes, and he just lets out a breathy laugh.

"Come on, I'll take you home," he suggests. "You'll have to use mind control on your parents, so they don't question your new...appendages".


With that, he grabs hold of your hand and teleports you back to your house. He gives a little wave and a look that says good luck and teleports back home. You slowly lift your hands to your head to touch the antennae. Yours are blue, unlike his pink ones. They feel weird on your head, but you figure you'll get used to them with time. You turn around and head inside with a smile so wide both dimples are showing.

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