Chapter 5 - You're a What?

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He throws Jyugo back in our cell.

Hajime: "Really?! Trying to escape in broad daylight?! You're making me fall behind on my paperwork!!"

He slammed the cell door and stomped off.

Jyugo: "Well that hurt..."

Jinx: "Are you okay?"

Rock: "You got caught pretty quick that time, buddy."

Nico: "I thought you'd last at least ten minutes. I guess it's not the first bet I've lost to Uno."

Uno: "Won't be the last either."

Jyugo: "So, I saw something sweet out there."

Jinx, Nico, Uno & Rock: "What do you mean by sweet?"

Jyugo: "A lady."

Nico, Uno & Rock: "A Lady?!"

Jinx: "Heeeere we go..."

Uno: "What did she look like?! Spare us no detail! Was she rich? Young? Old? Middle age but still working it?"

Jyugo: "Young I think."

Nico: "What was she wearing? How'd she do her hair?! Tell!!"

Jinx: "Uh, guys-"

Jyugo: "I caught a glimpse of her. But I got the distinct impression she was hot!"

Rock: "Aww, I wanna see her myself! So is she here to visit someone or what?"

Uno: "She's probably an old girlfriend of mine."

Jinx: "Guys-!"

Jyugo: "Nah, that's my girl."

Uno: "You've been a prisoner your whole life, buddy. No way you've got a girl-"

Jinx: "No! She's MY girlfriend!"

They stopped and stared at me.

Jinx: "Yeah. That got your attention, didn't it? Are you boys done being a pack of drooling idiots?"

Rock: "Come on, Jinx, cut us some slack."

Uno: "Yeah, we haven't seen a real girl since we've been stuck in here."

My eyebrows furrowed and my jaw dropped.

Nico: "I wonder who she actually came to see."

They all got up and ran out of our cell.

Jyugo: "Okay! To the visiting room as quickly as possible!"

Jinx: "Haven't seen a real girl?! Then what am I, you jerks?! Chopped liver?!"

I ran after them. I caught up to find them banging on the visiting room door until Jyugo opens the door and they fall in on top of each other. I went in and stood over them, my hands on my hips.

Hajime: "Not you five again! What will it take for you to stay in your cell?!"

The boys ignored Hajime and I to gawk at the pretty girl on the other side of the glass.

Jyugo: "So what gives? You said you didn't have a girlfriend, Hajime."

Jinx & Hajime: "Don't change the subject!!"

Hajime: "Don't talk over me, 33!"

Jinx: "But I-"

Hajime: "Hush!"

Rock: "That's his girl? No, there's no way!"

Uno: "Out of his league."

Nico: "You catch her at a low point?"

Hajime: "Cheeky punks."

???: "Big brother, who are all these boys? And this little girl?"

Jinx & The Boys: "Big brother?"

???: "Oh, so are these your friends?"

Hajime: "Like hell they are!"

???: "Hey everyone, please take care of my brother."

The Boys: "Sure..."

I rolled my eyes.

Jyugo: "What's the deal, Hajime? You never told us you had a little sister."

Uno: "It's also kinda rude that you haven't introduced us yet."

Nico: "Her dress is adorable!"

Rock: "Almost as cute as her."

Hajime: "He's my brother."

Jinx & The Boys: "Huh...?"

Hajime: "This is my little Brother."

Hitoshi: "Hitoshi Sugoroku."

The Boys: "AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!"

Uno: "You said you like boy's too, right Jyugo?!"

Jyugo: "*sigh* Yep... I did..."

I sighed and grabbed the backs of their clothes.

Jinx: "I'll take them back, Hajime. You don't have to worry."

I then drag them out of the visiting room and back to our cell. I shoved them in and shut the door behind me. I stood with my back leaned against the wall and my head down while my brothers sulked on the floor.

Uno: "Damnit! We were so close!"

Rock: "How the hell were we supposed to know he was a boy just by looking at him?"

Jyugo: "We're sorry, Jinx-."

Jyugo was cut off by the sudden sound coming from me. It was a sound I had heard many people, including my brothers do before, but I've never heard it from my own body. The sensation was so lightening, I couldn't stop.

Uno: "Is she..."

Nico: "She's laughing!!"

Jinx: "HAHAHAHAH You- you guys should have seen your faces!! Pfffftt HAHAHA!!"

They all smiled and run up to me. Uno lifts you onto his shoulders.

Uno: "That's our girl!! She did it!!"

Rock: "She found her laugh!"

Jyugo: "It feels so good to finally see her smile!"

Nico: "From now on, let's make sure we see it every day!"

We spend the rest of the afternoon laughing and playing around.

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