Chapter 7 - Day in the Life of Inmates

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Two days later...

Hajime: "Cell 13, wake up. Roll call. Number 69..."

Rock: "Yeah..."

Hajime: "You've got bed head. Number 25..."

Nico giggled in his sleep.

Hajime: "What are you laughing at? Number 11..."

Uno: "*yawn* I'm here."

Hajime: "That's too much product. Number 33..."

Jinx: "Present, your lordship."

Hajime: "Smart mouthed little- *sigh* Number 15..."

No answer.

Hajime: "Hey, 15...!"

Minutes later, we heard the siren.

Jinx: "Where's he gone this time?"

Rock: "Who can tell. He really can't go half a day without escaping."

I heard Hajime's yell.

Hajime: "WAKE UP!!!"

Jinx: "Oh, he found him..."

Uno: "How do you know?"

Jinx: "I heard Hajime scream at him. I'm honestly surprised you didn't hear it either."

At Lunch...

Rock: "So good!!"

Jyugo: "I didn't know you had such a thing for white rice. But I have to admit, the food they serve here is a lot better than the swill they serve at any other prison. I can see why you're stoked."

I sat at the cafeteria table between Jyugo and Uno, fidgeting and keeping my eyes down.

Uno: "What's wrong, lil sis? Don't you like it?"

Jinx: "No, the food's really good, it's just......... why is everyone staring at me?"

They looked around to see more than half the other inmates staring at me.

Nico: "Are you shy?"

I nodded slowly.

Jinx: "I can hear them whispering to each other... it's really unsettling..."

Rock: "Well, they've never seen a girl inmate here before either."

Jyugo: "Don't let them bother you. They're just a bunch of vultures."

Uno stood up.

Uno: "Hey, you nosy bastards! Eyes on your food!"

Everyone looked back down.

Jinx: "Thanks, Uno..."

He sat back down and ruffled your hair with a smile.

Uno: "I got you, sister."

I returned the smile and keep eating my food.

Rock: "Yo, Shiro! You doing alright?"

The large man nodded without looking down.

Rock: "You're always good but you've outdone yourself this time! This stew and rice dish is to die for!"

His scowling expression did change, and he kept walking.

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