Chapter 9 - Challenge the Crown

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Rock: "So I heard from some guys in the mess hall that we're supposed to get a new transfer in."

Uno: "That so? I wonder..."

Jyugo: "What's he in for?"

Rock: "Don't know. Wait a few hours, you can ask him yourself."

Jyugo: "Oh I know, maybe it's that murder they caught chopping up bodies and stuff."

Jinx: "No way, You said I was the only murderer you need."

Uno: "You are, Jinx. But we don't exactly have any control as to who they send here."

The cell door opens. We turned and stood. I hide behind Uno and wrap my arms around him tight.

Hajime: "New cellmate. Come on."

A guy with a mask covering half his face made a dramatic entrance before crouching down in front of us.

Tsukumo: "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Truly. I've been designated inmate number 99. But I hope that, in time, you'll come to call me Tsukumo."

Jyugo: "The hell... is this?"

Hajime: "No fighting, understood?"

Hajime shut the door and left

Jyugo: "You're kind of a freak, aren't you?"

Uno: "Do you think he's real?!"

Nico: "Look at him..."

Rock: "Yeah, he must be..."

Uno, Rock & Nico: "A JAPANESE NINJA!"

Tsukumo: "Yeah, we prefer the term shinobi..."

Uno: "I've never met a ninja before! This is awesome!"

Nico: "He's the cutest thing! I just want to take him home and eat him!"

Rock: "Have you ever fought a pirate, and did you win?!"

Jyugo: "Idiots. Stereotypical ninjas like that don't exist. Except in movies."

In quite literally the blink of an eye, Tsukumo was behind Jyugo holding a strange looking knife to his throat. I still had my face buried in Uno's back, so I didn't see it.

Tsukumo: "You haven't seen us because we live in shadow."

Uno: "Wow! He has an actual kunai! I hope he lets me hold it!"

Jyugo: "Why are you guys acting like tourists all of a sudden?! It's creeping me out! Stop it!"

Uno: "Now, introductions! The name's Uno, the grumpy pants over there is Jyugo."

Rock: "Call me Rock."

Nico: "I'm Nico!"

Uno: "And this is Jinx, our little sister. Though she's shy around other inmates who aren't us."

Tsukumo: "Oh, so you're all related?"

Nico: "No, we adopted her."

I stuck my head out, but before I could see anything, Uno covered my eyes.

Jyugo: "Put that knife away. No sharp objects are allowed around her."

Tsukumo: "Apologies. I would hate for her to cut herself."

Rock: "Actually, if she see's anything sharp and/or pointy, Nico shouts 'Code red' and she'll try to cut you."

Tsukumo: "Oh..."

He put it away and Uno took his hand off my face.

Uno: "It's alright. Come on..."

I slowly walked out from behind him, my eyes glues to the floor. I took his hand.

Jyugo: "Now then, I doubt they sent you here for weapon violations. So what'd you get caught at? Spill it."

Tsukumo: "Well, I am shinobi. Born in the land of shinobi. I grew up in shadow. I live as a shadow. Clandestine activity is the only kind I know. So to think...... I'd be arrested for trespassing and suspicion of mischief!"

He started crying.

Jyugo: "Guess I should have seen that coming..."

Nico: "Man, I'd love to have seen that arrest go down! Did you resist?"

He stopped crying immediately and posed.

Tsukumo: "Upon my word as a shinobi, I vow not to sit idly in prison! I've made off from many prisons using various ninjitsu. No matter how many times I'm recaptured, I can escape again with ease."

Jyugo: "I see. You think you're an escape artist. But you get caught every time."

Jinx: "Kind of like you, Jyugo."

Jyugo: "Hey!"

Uno: "She's right, you know."

Jyugo: "I'm nothing like this poser!"

Tsukumo: "I've heard tell of a jail breaker in Nanba prison. Word is, he's the best around. I suppose that person must be you."

Jyugo: "Yeah, and what if I am?"

Tsukumo: "Then I would challenge you for your title!"

Jyugo: "Huh?"

Tsukumo: "A contest of skill! To test who's truly the master of escape."

Rock: "Woah! An escape artist championship!"

Jyugo: "As if I'd do it."

Tsukumo: "Heh..."

He clucked like a chicken.

Jinx: "*gasp*..."

Nico: "What is it?"

Jinx: "My older sister used to do that to me all the time. Right before she'd beat me."

Rock: "Damn..."

Uno: "Listen, lil sis. I don't know what your old family meant by that, but this guys just calling Jyugo a coward."

Jyugo: "Say what?!"

Tsukumo: "I just wonder if you're refusing to accept my challenge because you're afraid of revealing you lack of-"

Jyugo kicked him in the face.

Jyugo: "Listen, dumbass! I am the best! And if it'll shut you up then fine! I'll prove it!"

Tsukumo: "Very well. I'll see you when the clock strikes twelve."

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