Chapter 13 - Pound It!

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Nico: "Any guesses what the next event will be?"

Rock: "I don't know... kite flying?"

Mitsuru: "And for our second event...!!"

Suddenly six GINORMOUS podiums with MASSIVE bowls on top fall from the sky.

Jinx: "Where did those come from?!"


Nico & Rock: "The heck is that?!?!"

Nico: "I'm super lost."

Uno: "I think you knock the pucks out from underneath the bowl."

Jyugo: "Which are way too big to make mochi in."

Mitsuru: "This is a challenge of power and stamina! In which you must complete your mochi without letting your daruma hit the dirt! That means every building team has two options. Either finish your mochi first or aggressively drop your opponent's daruma to win! Our first match up will be building 5, cell 8 verses building 13, cell 13. NOW GET OUT THERE AND POUND IT, BOYS!!"

Uno: "So it'll be cell on cell from here on out."

Nico: "Yeah, that's probably accurate."

Yamato: "Greetings! Now which of you would like to do battle at my side?!"

Nico: "Did you volunteer for this one, Yamato?"

Jyugo: "Makes sense to me. Looks like raw power's pretty key here."

Yamato: "You seem prepared, 15."

Jyugo takes the giant kine and instantly falls backwards. I couldn't help but laugh.

Jyugo: "How the heck is this thing so freakin heavy?!"

Yamato: "Ahahahaha! Someone needs more training."

Yamato spun his kine around easily. Jyugo jumped up.

Jyugo: "What kind of monster are you?!"

Rock picked up the other and held it up with ease.

Rock: "These things aren't that heavy."

Jinx: "Wow... you're so strong, Rock!"

He gave me a smile.

Hajime: "Alright, 69, you can go with Yamato."

Rock: "Wait! Did you just volunteer me?!"

Jinx: "You can do it, Rock!"

Rock: "Aww... I can't argue with our cheerleader. I'll make you proud, little one."

Jinx: "Yeah!"

The rest of us make our way back up to the stands.

Nico: "This is a pretty awesome view, huh?"

Seitarou: "Yes, but this place can be kind of dangerous so stay nearby."

Jinx: "Dangerous? All the way up here."

Uno puts his hands under my arms and lifted me onto his lap.

Uno: "Why don't you stay up here. Just in case."

I smiled.

Jinx: "Okay."

I could hear everything they were saying down there perfectly clearly.

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