Chapter 14 - Tells

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Mitsuru: "Building 13 is looking strong with a two zero record!! Looks like they'll be keeping the crown unless someone brings up the heat! I think it's about time to move on to our third event! Next up is Hyakunin Isshu!!"

Nico: "Hyakunin what-su?"

Uno: "It's like a card game but with poems."

Jyugo: "A hundred of them. One on each card."

Rock: "Any idea who we should send to play that?"

Hajime: "Well, we got one at least. You're up, Seitarou."

Seitarou: "Sir!"

Uno & Jyugo: "Him?! Are you sure?!"

Uno: "Wait, so does this mean you're actually useful for something?!"

Rock: "You don't have much presence, so I kinda forgot you were here."

Nico: "I didn't know you could read."

Seitarou hugged Hajime's arm and cried.

Seitarou: "Please make them stop being mean to me!"

You tugged on his jacket.

Jinx: "You'll do great, Seitarou."

Seitarou: "*sniff* Thanks, 33. You're really sweet."

Mitsuru: "The rules for Hyakunin Isshu are very easy. But the game itself requires an intense amount of mental fortitude. Three members are allowed to participate. And that includes one guard."

Rock: "Is it a six player game then?"

Hajime: "No, the third's a substitute. In the likely event that a player should collapse from mental exhaustion, the third is permitted to step in and take his place. So the game can go on, you know."

Rock: "Sounds pretty intense."

Seitarou: "I wonder which inmates we should ask to participate."

I looked over to see Jyugo shaking. I walked up to him and took his hand.

Jinx: "What's wrong, Jyugo? Are you cold?"

Jyugo: "Heh... no, I'm alright..."

Hajime: "Let's think about this... oh yeah-"

Uno: "I can handle this."

Jyugo: "HAH?! This isn't like blackjack, ya moron!"

Uno: "I realise that. But card games are all the same."

Rock: "Yeah, that statement is pretty much false."

Seitarou: "So who should our third person be?"

Uno: "No, no, no, we don't need a third. With all due respect to my cell mates, there's no way they can do this. I mean Jinx knows how to read, but the rest are hopeless."

Rock & Jyugo: "Shut your damn mouth!!"

Jinx: "Hm?"

Mitsuru: "And for our next match up, we have building 3's supervisor, Kiji Mitsuba!! Up against building 13's officer Seitarou Tanabata!"

Kiji: "You know you're actually kind of cute."

Seitarou: "Thanks, do you think you could maybe go easy on us?"

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