Chapter 26 - Games

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The four of us poked our heads into the infirmary.

Rock: "What up! You still at it?"

Jinx: "Nico! We brought you some snacks from Shiro."

Nico smiled and took the box from me.

Nico: "Thank you, Jinx... These are so kawaii!"

Dr Otogi: "Try not to get him too worked up. We only just finished his damn exam. Yeesh..."

Uno: "Someone's even more persnickety than usual."

Nico: "Wait, are you two gonna fight again?"

Jinx: "Huh?"

Dr Otogi: "Course not. Just issuing a doctor's warning. Can I do that without having my mood questioned?"

Uno: "Oh yeah, he's cranky."

Rock: "Unhappy wife, unhappy life."

Jinx: "Kazari? But she was so nice."

Uno: "That's because you're a cute little girl."

Jyugo: "Wait what?"

Dr Otogi: "Well, since you brought it up, yeah. The old crone's been downright nasty lately-"

We froze when an explosion blew a hole through the wall.

Kazari: "Oh, I can show you nasty!"

Dr Otogi: "Oh no... hey, Kazari."

Jinx: "Where did she get that??"

Kazari: "I married a smoker, damn it! You were supposed to be dead by now, you old goat!"

Seitarou: "Is everything okay here?"

Kazari: "I went out of my way to make you a fried egg! You should be thanking me!"

Dr Otogi: "You ruined it! I like my eggs with Soy sauce and you used Worcestershire! Who the hell would eat that?!"

Seitarou: "Please remember to use your inside voices..."

Kazari: "You didn't like it?!"

Dr Otogi: "No!"

Kazari: "Fine! Then I'll use poison next time-"

Nico: "Come on, guys, stop it."

Jinx: "Is this really what grownups fight about?"

Rock: "Fighting in front of their daughter."

Uno: "This is it, Kaguya. Try out the line we practiced."

Jinx: "The what you what now?"

Kaguya: "Mother or father, what is a divorce?"

They stopped yelling and turned to her.

Kaguya: "Do you wish to cut yourselves apart?"

Kazari: "Hm, I suppose I'll let you off the hook this once."

Dr Otogi: "Yeah, we're good."

Rock: "That was effective..."

I look up at my brothers.

Jinx: "What is a divorce?"

Uno: "Uhm... well, you see, Jinx... when a mummy and a daddy... hate each other very much-"

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