Chapter 19 - Blades

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Hajime was shooting at Jyugo, but he was blocking them with his blades.

Hajime: "I never did trust you, number 15. I'm gonna make you spill everything."

Rock: "Doesn't look like Hajime's holding back."

Nico: "They shouldn't be fighting. I thought those two got along pretty well."

Uno: "That was then. Both of them are going all out now."

Jinx: "If this continues, one or both of them could get seriously hurt."

Rock: "Jyugo has to stop."

Hajime manages to get his gun to the back of Jyugo's head.

Hajime: "So this is your true nature? Just what are you after, inmate? Answer me!!"

Suddenly, Uno, jumped over the wall and down into the stadium.

Uno: "JYUGO!!!"

Nico & Rock: "Uno, wait!"

Rock and Nico followed. I knew a jump like that would break my legs, so I ran to the stairs as fast as I could.

Hajime: "What are you doing here?!"

Uno: "Hey, Rock! Try moving in on his left side to grab his arms from behind!"

Rock: "Got him! Alright, be good Jyugo! We're going back home!"

Nico: "I'm so sorry, Jyugo!"

Nico chopped the back of his neck with his hand. It did nothing.

Nico: "Could have sworn that would work."

Uno: "Jyugo, we go back a real long way, buddy. Trust me, you don't wanna do this."

Jyugo struggled and yelled.

Rock: "Jyugo, just calm down!"

Nico: "You need to stop resisting or they'll take you to trial and make your sentence even longer."

Jyugo: "Where is the guard? Don't make me ask twice."

Nico: "Huh?"

Rock: "Snap out of it!"

Nico: "We're right here! Just calm down!"

The force of Jyugo's slash knocked them out.

Uno: "No, Rock! Nico!"

I finally got down there, without thinking, I ran up to Jyugo and hugged him tight.

Uno: "Jinx!! Stay back!!"

Jinx: "Jyugo, please!! It's me, Jinx!! You have to calm down!! I love you, big brother and I don't want you to get hurt!! PLEASE CALM DOWN, JYUGO!!!"

No one could have predicted what happened next. Jyugo slashed and cut me deep in my side and blood gushed out. I let go of Jyugo and fell to the floor, clutching my wound and screaming in pain.


Uno: "NOOO!!!"

Uno tried to get to me, but Jyugo kept walking towards him.

Uno: "Look at me! It's Uno! I'm here to help you!"

He didn't stop.

Uno: "Try to remember who you really are, Jyugo!!! Buddy, please..."

He stopped in front of him and raised his blade.


Jyugo brought down his blade.

Jinx: "UNO-!"

We looked up to see Hajime standing in front of Uno, his hand bleeding. He caught it. Uno took this opportunity to come grab me and bring me back behind Hajime.

Jinx: "ARGH!!"

Uno: "Shh shh... I know, I know... It's alright, I'm here..."

Jinx: "I tried- ugh! To make him stop-!"

Uno: "Don't talk, okay. Just breath... nice and slow..."

He gently put me on the ground and lifted my shirt to see the deep cut in my side.

Uno: "Oh my... shit! Gotta... gotta stop the blood."

He took my blindfold cloth off my neck and wrapped it around your middle, tying it tight.

Jinx: "AAH!!"

Uno: "I know it hurts... but this is going to help until we can get you to the infirmary, okay?"

He stroked my head, brushing the hair out of my face, and I nodded, tears streaming down my face.

Hajime: "Know your place, 11! You are nothing more than an inmate. Stay out of my way!"

Hajime punched Jyugo in the gut so hard, I heard multiple loud cracks. He fell to his knees and spat up a lot of blood.

Jinx: "NO!!

Uno: "Hajime, stop! You're taking it too-!"

Hajime: "Shut up! I am doing my duty as a guard. That's the only reason I associate with trash like you."

Jyugo stood up, his voice raspy.

Jyugo: "Where is he? Tell me-"

Hajime grabbed his hair and kneed him in the same spot he just punched.

Uno: "You got him... it's over."

Hajime: "It's also my job to interrogate him. Ready to talk yet?"

Hajime held him up by his shirt. He was bleeding a lot. When he couldn't respond, Hajime punched him, again, and again, and again.


Hajime: "Quiet, 33!"

Uno: "You'll kill him... STOP HITTING HIM!! PLEASE!!"

Warden: "THAT'S ENOUGH!!!"

Hajime finally stopped and dropped him.

Warden: "Call in the medics! Have them take care of 15 and 33."

Mitsuru: "Yes, ma'am."

Warden: "The New Year's Tournament... has reached its conclusion."

Hajime: "Inmate. Captured."

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