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Claudia Valentini..

She almost hit me..when she shot at me, just grazed my arm.Gwen looked at me,"What's wrong love?"

"I'm fine...just..."

"Missing her?"

"A little"

She walked to me and sat down kissing my hands,"It's okay..but.."

"I know I'm sorry"

"No!I'm not upset my love"she whispered kissing my hands.I smiled at her,she smiled and kissed me slowly.

I smiled and pulled her close,she snuggled me,"I..I think the baby is gonna come soon"I whispered.

"I think so"she whispered.

I smiled and nodded happily,I looked at her she smiled and kissed me softly.

"I want to change your surname..."she whispered.

I turned to her,"To?"


I smiled,"I love your surname"

She smiled and kissed my cheek,"Well..we can get married and then it will be yours"she whispered,I smiled and looked down.

"We don't have to now..just..I wanted you to know"she whispered.

"I know beautiful"I whispered.

She made me look at her,"I'm here...and I will wait"

I nodded and smiled,"I know baby..but.."

She kissed me softly.

"Come let's go outside"she whispered.

We walked outside into the garden,guards walked around calmly.Gwen looked at me and smiled,"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine baby"I whispered.

She looked at my stomach,"I'm so excited"

"Me too baby"

I looked at the roses as we walked thinking of my wife...and wondering what the hell I'm doing with my life.

The Devils Angel:Book3Where stories live. Discover now