Chapter 5

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Claudia Valentini...

Arriving parents hugged me and cuddled me close.Stella watched me and burst into tears,"My sweet girl!"

She hugged me.I cried into her shoulder,Donellas siblings hugged me.Donella walked in with our baby in her arms.

He was playing with her necklace.

Everyone stared at the baby.

Donella looked at me and smiled,she looked at everyone and smiled."Hello everyone..this is our little boy"

Everyone crowded around her to look at him,"Hello baby!"

I smiled and waited,he looked at everyone confused.He buried himself into Donellas chest,she smiled.

Everyone sat down,she sat down by me and cuddled me to her.I smiled at her and looked up at her,she was talking to her sisters about something.

Gwen couldn't give me one could give me this.I cuddled our baby to me...he giggled and looked at me.

I smiled and nudged my nose with his,he sneezed and bit my nose.I giggled he smiled and looked at everything.

My moms watched me.

Later that evening Donella pulled me upstairs,I sat down and watched her.She paced by the door continuously.

"My grandmother is outside..she wants to see you"

I looked at her,"I'll just talk to her quickly and then we can get some sleep"I whispered.

She nodded,I walked outside and to Gwen,she smiled and held me close."Baby"I whispered.

She hugged me close and kissed my cheek,"Hello my love"she whispered.

I smiled and kissed her softly,"Baby..."

"I...I don't want you to leave me for her"she whispered.

"Baby...I have  a baby now"

She touched my stomach and smiled,"I know my gorgeous love"she whispered and nodded,"Alright...I'm here...if you need me"she whispered.

I nodded,she looked at Donella,"You know I love you?"

"No"she snapped and watched me.

Gwen chuckled,I kissed her cheek and walked to Donella.Gwen left..Donella kissed me softly,we walked inside.

My moms took the baby and cuddled him.Donella had disappeared upstairs,"Is it okay if we sit outside with him?"

"Of coarse"I said,everyone walked outside,I walked upstairs and to our room.I found her..naked on the bed..on her knees.

She smiled,she had candles everywhere.

I closed and locked the door,"Baby.."

"I..I wanted to surprise you"she whispered.

I nodded,"You look gorgeous"

She smiled and crawled to the edge of the bed,I knew that look."Baby?"


"Are you..controlling right now?"

She nodded,"Come here"she said holding out her hand,I walked to her,she stripped me and smiled,"All mine"she whispered.

I nodded she smiled and kissed me slowly,I moaned softly,she gripped my neck,twisted around and slammed me onto the mattress.

I gasped.

She climbed on me and straddled my hips,"Now...I am going to fuck you..I am going to fuck the memories of that bitch right out of you"she seethed.

The Devils Angel:Book3Where stories live. Discover now