She's taken

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"I think I'm done for the day." Cooper says as we walk out of Urban Outfitters. "I was done after we walked out of Lululemon's" I chuckle softly. "Oh really." He says pointing to my Urban Outfitters bag.

"I was but I saw this cute top." I shrug.  "And I had to get it." He says mimicking a girl voice. I roll my eyes at him flipping him off. "You're the one who showed it to me so this is on you." I tell him.

"Come on I want one of those frozen lemonades from Hot Dog On A Stick." He says. "Wait I want Cinnabon before we go." I tell him. "So we go to Hot Dog On A Stick then Cinnabon then leave." He says. "Okay game plan. You go get the lemonades and I'll get the Cinnabon. We'll meet up at the food court." I add.

"Sounds like a plan." He says. "Alright I'll see you in a bit." I smile then walk off. I head over to Cinnabon as Cooper walks over to Hot Dog On A Stick.

I pull out my phone while I wait in line and scroll through my Instagram. "Why all alone?" Someone whispers in my ear. I look away from my phone turning to the person that spoke.

I roll my eyes and sigh loudly stepping away from him. "What do you want Chase?" I ask. "Cinnabon." He smirks. "So? Where's Flynn at? I'm surprised your alone." He adds.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I raise an eyebrow slightly. "Exactly what I said. Ever since you started dating that asshole you're never alone. He never leaves your side. It's kind of nauseating how you two are always together." He says.

I smirk looking at Chase. "Nauseating? Really or are you just mad that I'm spending more time with him than I did with you? It seems to me like your jealous."

"Me jealous?" He scoffs. "Brooklyn we both know you're still in love with me and Josh is just the rebound." He steps closer to me.

"Actually that's where you're wrong. You see I was never in love with you. In fact in the two years we dated I never even said I love you, that should say something. You need to face the fact that I'm over you. I moved on. Josh isn't my rebound. He's something more."

"You guys won't last long. He's going to fuck up soon. I can guarantee it." Chases says looking at me. "Think what you want I honestly don't care. I'm happier than I ever was with you. I would say it was nice seeing you but it really wasn't." I tell him.

I step forward when it's my turn to order and walk over to the counter. I order two 6 packs of cinnamon rolls and two Bonbites for Cooper and I to eat right now.

After I pay I get my order then walk over to the food court. I see Cooper sitting down at a table with our frozen lemonades and sit across from him. "Looks like you bought the whole menu." Cooper jokes when he sees me.

"I decided to buy two pack so we can take some home and give some to the guys. I got you some Bonbites." I tell him handing him his box. "And I got you a frozen strawberry lemonade." He says handing me the drink.

"Thank you." I smile taking the drink from him. "I saw Chase." I tell him. He looks up from his Cinnabon. "What?" He asks.

I nod slightly taking a sip of my drink. "Yeah, you heard right." He shakes his head eating the Bonbites. "What happened?"

"He tried to get me to tell him that Josh is just a rebound but I told him he was jealous and what Josh and I have is real." I shrug and start eating as well.

"Is it though? Are you actually falling for Josh?" Cooper asks me raising and eyebrow. "No." I shake my head sipping the lemonade. "Why am I not convinced by your answer?" He raises an eyebrow

Am I falling for Josh? I think to myself. No of course I'm not. Josh and I are just friends. There's no romantic feelings there. Besides he's Bryce's best friend and this relationship is fake.

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