Do you regret it

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It wasn't easy convincing Bryce or the guys about letting me go out again. Thankfully Nick was on my side the entire time. He helped me convince all the guys including Josh. With Franco being gone for good I feel a little more at ease and the boys do as well. I think that's why they agreed to let me go back to my life.

It's currently Friday afternoon, I'm at Aiden's house spending time with him and his guys. Zack and Sophia are in their way here. Today is the first time they are going to meet Aiden. I thought I would be more nervous but I'm actually not.

I know Zack and Sophia are going to get along with everyone here. "Sophia said they're pulling up to the house right now." Cooper says walking over to me. Yes Cooper is here. Even though he's okay with my decisions he tends to go with me every chance he gets.

I walk over to the door opening it so I could walk outside. As I step out to the porch I see Zack's car parked in front of Aiden's house. "Hey." I walk over to them.

"Hey." They greet me. We walk over to Aiden's house after a few seconds. "Guys they're here." I call out as we walk inside. I lead Zack and Sophia over to the living room.

Aiden and his guys are sitting down on the couch with Cooper. "Guys this is Zack and Sophia." I start introducing them. "This is Diego, Alvaro, Jose, Tommy, Brandon, and Aiden." I point to each of Aiden's guys as I introduce them.

"Nice to meet you guys." Zack says shaking their hands. They all start talking getting to know each other. I smile to myself when I see them already getting along and laughing together.

By the end of the night Zack and Sophia have already gotten comfortable with Aiden and the the guys. "Let's go out to dinner." Aiden suggests.

"Yeah I'm down." Sophia says. "You guys could even invite Josh and the rest of the guys." Aiden says. "I'll call Bryce to let him know." I say pulling out my phone.

"Hey Bee." Bryce says answering the phone. "Hey Broccoli. We're all going out to dinner. Zack and Sophia are joining us. You guys want to tag along?" I ask him.

"Yeah we'll be there. Text me the address and I'll let the guys know." He says. "We're going to Saddle Ranch." I tell him. "Okay we'll be there." Bryce says.

"See you in a bit." I tell him then hang up. "Let's go." Brandon says as soon as I hang up. We all leave Aiden's house getting in two separate cars.

We arrive at the restaurant after a few minutes. We decide to head inside to grab a table while we wait for everyone else. I'm sitting down across from Aiden with Zack next to me and Sophia on the other side of me.

We're all talking and laughing when Bryce and the guys arrive. "Where's Josh?" Cooper asks when Josh doesn't walk in with them. "He said he would meet us here." Bryce says.

They sit down taking up the seats available around the table. "Are we ready or are we still waiting?" The waitress asks after walking up to us.

"We're still waiting for one more person." Cooper says. "Make that two and they just got here." We all look at Oliver confused when he speaks. I look in the direction he's looking in.

I see Josh walking into the restaurant holding a girls hand. I feel Sophia place her hand on my arm so I turn to look at her. "Do you want to leave?" She whispers in my ear. "No it's fine." I shake my head.

"I'll be right back." I say getting up from the table. Before anyone can say anything I walk away heading over to the restroom. I open the door walking inside.

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