It's best if we stop this

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The Next Day

"Okay so it seems that everything is fine and you're doing okay. I want you to take it easy for the next few days. Just until you get your strength back." Dr.Finley says looking at me.

"Yes sir." I nod bringing my hand to my forehead. "I'm going to miss your sense of humor." He chuckles. "Don't tell the others but you are mine and nurse Collins favorite patient." He whispers.

I chuckle softly looking up at him. "You can go ahead and change while I sign the discharge papers." He says. "Thanks." I say slowly sitting up. Dr. Finley walks out of my room shortly after. I get dressed slowly since my body is still a little sore. Once I'm done getting dressed I sit back down on the bed. "Come in." I call out when I hear a knock on the door.

Bryce and Cooper walk into my room with some papers. "You ready to go home?" Bryce asks me. "Definitely." I nod. They walk over to me helping me get up and we slowly walk out of the room. After I say bye to Dr. Finley and nurse Collins Bryce and Cooper carefully help me walk out of the hospital.

I see Nick waiting by his car as soon as I walk out of the hospital. I hide the disappointment when I see that Josh isn't in the car. Bryce helps me into the passenger seat than closes my door. "Thanks for coming." I tell Nick when he gets into the car. "No problem." Nick smiles. He starts to drive back to the house once Cooper and Bryce are inside the car. I look out of the window the entire drive home.

When we get to the house Nick parks inside the garage. They all help me get out of the car gently so they won't hurt me. Bryce refuses to let me walk up the stairs but I don't listen. "You're going to hurt yourself Brooklyn." He says. I have Cooper helping me walk up the stairs while Bryce shakes his head. "No I'm not Broccoli." I shake my head. "Be careful." He tells Cooper when I walk up the steps. Bryce and Nick walk behind me and Cooper slowly making sure I don't get hurt. We finally get up the stairs so I let go of Coopers hand. I walk over to my room seeing Oliver and Troy standing inside.

"Welcome home." They both smile. "Thanks guys." I chuckle at them. I sit down on my bed while Bryce adjusts the pillows behind me so I can lean back. Josh walks into my room looking at everyone. "Guys. Can you give us a minute?" I ask the boys. They all nod and walk out of my room. Nick is the last one to walk out so he closes the door.

"I'm glad you're home." Josh says walking over to me. I move over so that he can sit down next to me. "Can you do me a favor?" I ask him. "Anything." He nods. "Stop blaming yourself for this." I say softly. "Ask me anything but that Brooklyn. I can't do that." He shakes his head.
"Josh I already told you it's not your fault. I don't want you to keep putting blame where it doesn't go." I look up at him. "But if it weren't...." He starts.

"But if nothing. Listen Josh I don't care about what happened. I care a lot about you and if I have to deal with Franco all over again I would do it. That's how important you are to me." I tell him.

"That's the point Brooklyn. You shouldn't have to think about that. This isn't your fight so there's no reason for you to think that way." Josh says looking at me.

"But I do." I sigh loudly. "Josh I lost. I was wrong okay. I fell for you. I don't know how or when but you actually made me fall for you." I look at him.

"Brooklyn I don't feel the same way about you." He says looking away from me. "In fact I think it's best if we stop this whole fake dating stunt and stay away from each other." He says.

I feel my eyes start to water but I blink back the tears. "Stay away from each other? I get that you don't feel the same way but what happened to staying friends after all of this?" I ask.

"I don't think that's the best thing right now. It's better if things go back to how they were. You in you're own world and me in mine. No relationship or friendship." Josh whispers.

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