Chapter Three: Capisce?

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"Ah ah ah" Alina caught Aurora before she could waddle out, holding up the littlest Black to her chest. Alina's eyes twinkled with amusement at the grin on her youngest's lips, as Aurora looked at the chocolate Vince gave her "What do you say?"

"'hank you, big brother" Aurora's eyes full of light meet Vince's, who smiled back, bending down to place a kiss on the tip of her nose.
"You're very welcome, piccolo."

Aurora's POV:

"You're grounded. Three weeks."

A private jet. I was sitting in a private jet. I was sitting in a private jet beside a man who was apparently my brother, in a coat that's probably more expensive than anything I've bought in my entire life combined and then doubled.

My mind was still foggy but it didn't hurt anymore, it wasn't feeling as light either.

I saw Nico smirked at Alina's words.

"Today's my birthday and 2 days after I go back to Yale"

"Summer vacations" Alina didn't skip a beat "You will be stuck here"

"And It's after twelve" Vincent pointed out, Alina nodded, and Nico frowned.

"But I have plans with my friends"

"I know" Alina nodded "You are not going, inform them"

"Alina I'm an adult you just cant"-

"I can and I will" She answered icily "As for the adult part, you are always going to be my younger brother, and you listen to what I say, capisce?"

"Alina but"--

"Capisce?" Her eyebrows rose up.


"Fine. A month it is"

"Keep talking and I'll keep adding, we can be here all night if you wish"

Nico slumped in his seat, holding back his tongue, his fists clenched, eyes aflame, posture clearly stating he was displeased.

He looked scary. Vince looked scary too but Alina? she looked the scariest.

"A month, clear?"

"Crystal" He bit back, but there wasn't a lot of disrespect in his voice as I suspected he'd throw around, he stood up and disappeared behind a set of curtains.

"Sir?" A woman walked up to us and Vincent looked towards me.

"Press that button, piccolo"

I pressed the black button with blue led light around it, a table sliding out from the side.

I was still staring at the table when a bowl of mac and cheese was placed in front of me.

"Eat up," Vince said firmly "It'll help a little with your head"

"It's too much"

"Half." Alina instructed immediately.


"Aurora, have half of it, I won't ask you once more, alright?"

I let out a soft sigh and nodded.

"It's important that you eat it, the drugs affected you more than they should have." She informed me, her eyes piercing into mine. "Have that and get some sleep, it will help."

I only nodded yet again.

Vince gave me an encouraging nod and I put the pasta on my fork, taking a bite.

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