Chapter Seven: Good Luck, Baby.

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Alina kissed the toddler's head, staring at her new guardians and sighed, pressing her forehead against hers.
"One day, you'll be back," She promised and with a distant look in her eyes, she gazed at all of her siblings, looking away, not wanting to say goodbye, they were sure they'd break down if they did, she looked back into her youngest's beautiful eyes, Aurora blinked sleepy, trying to be awake, too tired to speak or do anything but cling to Alina's body, "And I'll get you out of this mess, all of you."

Aurora's P.O.V:

"It's just one glass," Vince pointed at me, "I want it over."

I groaned, throwing my head back against Milo's chest who was standing behind me but I didn't get up from the stool. Milo laughed, wrapping one of his arms around my shoulders and dropped a kiss onto my forehead like he did every morning. 

"Feels like she's three again," He tugged at my hair talking to Vince, who nodded slightly, not breaking eye contact with me, I slumped and gave in, reaching to pick the glass of milk up. Vince nodded pleased, getting up to take his laptop I assume and paused to point at me. 

"Your little butt stays firmly planted on that seat until it's finished."

I glared at him but obliged bringing the liquid-filled glass to my lips and drank some. Let me explain, once a week or at least once a month, Vince made sure everyone in the family, including Alina, has a healthy breakfast, usually porridge, fruits, milk and eggs because even though we do have those things every day, we have 'unhealthy' variations of it. Like porridge with too much sugar or eggs that are too cheesy, fruits with ice cream, milk with a lot of chocolate powder or coffee. 

Almost everyone had woken up today and were done with breakfast, Justin had not appeared yet mostly because he didn't feel like eating healthy and Landon had slept in, is sleeping in probably. 

"Aurora?" I turned around on my stool at Alina's voice, happy to finally get up, Vince though pointed at the stool as soon as I shifted a little to get down, Alina watched me shift back and pick the glass of milk back up and then continued, "You have had a break for quite a few days now, how about you start training again?"

Nico looked up from his book or phone, whatever he was busy with, Alina rubbed the handle of the dark mug in her hand. 

I slowly nodded. 

"Okay," I added and took another sip. 

"Shooting or fighting?" Uncle Lance asked, I had started fighting better, defending myself better at least. Shooting was something I hadn't been taught yet so when Alina decided, I didn't know how to react.


Uncle Lance nodded with a low whistle and nudged me playfully 

"Have fun."

"You bet," I muttered weakly, Dustin let out a small laugh at my reaction and Alina and Vince were too busy talking about something on the screen of Vince's tablet but I knew all too well if I even moved an inch to get down, I'd get it from my brother. 

 Justin slauntered in and sat down at Vince's usual seat, he grinned at me in greeting, I smiled back at him. Justin had learned complaining to Vince to an extreme level and testing his patience was not the best option as Austin once put it, so he took the fruit, egg, toast and fresh fruit juice and started talking to Nico, who shifted to the seat beside him after a while. 

I took another few sips in the passing minutes before Landon finally walked in.

"Save some watermelon for me," He told Justin, who dumped the rest of the pieces on his plate as a response. Brothers. Landon rolled his eyes but he was in a good mood and as most mornings go, he playfully punched Milo, who called him two-three names and held him in a headlock, messing up his already messed up hair in retaliation before letting him go with a smack to his head. Landon yelped at that, clearly still in his sleepy mode. 

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