Chapter Fourteen: Society sucks.

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"Mommy?" Aurora looked up at Delilah who caressed her cheek, with a soft hum.
"Yes, baby?"
"Whawt were you and Li talkin' bout?"
Delilah raised an eyebrow before her fingers tickled a tucked in Aurora's sides, she squealed in laughter.
"That's none of your business, missy" She touched her nose by the tip of her finger.
"A puwlled my hair at the park."
Delilah chuckled, these types of things were happening an awful lot recently, Xander was going to flip out. He was barely okay with the idea of his deadly 21-year-old sister talking to a boy if she weren't threatening him.
"Is that okay, mommy? Cause it hurt."
"Did he ask for your permission before doing it?"
"Then it's not okay baby, no one hurting you or touching you without asking is ever okay, alright?"
"That's what bubba said, except he pushed him off the top of the slide-house and then said some adult words."
"Nic did what?!"
"Pushed Mr meanie off a slide?"
Delilah let out a sigh, adoration in her eyes giving her away, she knew how it felt like to be the older sibling after all, and then she tucked the little girl in, humming her a sweet song.

Aurora's P.O.V:

I was upset. I wasn't going to lie to myself. I was upset. I was mad. I was mad at him for punching the guy, repeatedly, I was upset with everything, with the way my life just flipped in one quick switch, the way I settled into it just as fast as my previous was gone.

On the other hand, though, my bedroom was done, it was simple, and I loved it, Landon took me to it, I learnt that all the bedrooms were in this specific corridor, that is all of theirs and mine. In age order, so at least I had one on the corner, beside Landon but Nico's bedroom was across mine. Luckily he wasn't home.

For heaven's sake, what was wrong with me?! Room? Seriously?! Why did I just pretend like all of this was normal? What did I just take everything with the flow, why the actual frick did I not react. My brother almost killed a guy today, well not exactly killed but you get my point and after a few words, I left it.

I wanted to say something, I really did but I couldn't fight the voice in my head, not my voice, my aunts. I feel like I say that particular sentence about a million times a day and god I ha-

I shook my head, splashing my face with the cold water running from the tap, dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants, and walked back downstairs as I was instructed to.

The triplets were already there, Justin was weirdly silent too, guess school does that to a person, I slipped into the seat beside Austin.

"How was your first day? Already hate school?" He nudged me, a plate of sandwiches appeared before me.

I shrugged. Dustin snorted.

"What?" Landon's eyes narrowed.

"Let's say I had to break a guy's jaw."

This just caused them all to get serious and straighten up.

"And why was that?" I picked my sandwich as soon as I heard Vince's voice, for some reason, I didn't feel like I had to be at guard once he was here, like I said he was too nice to me.

"Someone sick fucker cat-called her."

"Excuse me."

"I'm being serious."

"She's eleven," Vince said slowly.

"Almost twelve." I muttered taking another small bite of the sandwich.

"Still Eleven." He pointed at me, "Eat your sandwich."

"I am!"

I shut my mouth at the look I got from him with a small huff. Could someone next time please make sure Alina is here when such discussions are taking place...nevermind. I thought Vince is mature too.

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