Chapter Twenty-Five: It was obvious.

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"No no no dad. Stay. For me. For us. Not now. Please. I still need you."

Aurora's P.O.V:

People rushed in. People rushed out. Doctors went with his body inside but then ended up not coming back out. Someone yelled. I am sure someone cried. He was not out still. 

I wiped the tears from my eyes silently and put my hands in the middle of my legs, pulling at the fingers and wriggling them around. I did not look up once. 

I had seen him a few hours ago. I couldn't make out his face. There was too much blood. No Austin. Just his blood. There were no cautious eyes, no reassuring smile, no blue eyes to look at, nothing to calm me down. Just blood and dirt. Screaming. His heartbeat was slowing. 

I felt sick to my stomach. 

I wanted to cry, I couldn't cry right now though, not right now. 

That had been hours ago. I rubbed my nose, my hands rubbed all over my face. My breathing shuddered again. Everyone was tense. I knew that much. 

I knew that Nic had smoked through half a packet of cigarettes in these few hours, or an entire one even maybe. I knew Milo texted Vince for a long time, I knew he was buzzed as he sat on the floor with his head hanging between his knees. I knew Alina hadn't sat down once in the past six hours.

I knew the younger four had their hearts in their throats. They balanced each other out. Just like the older four. If Landon was lost in his own world, Dustin was there on full alert, pulling him back from the road that he walked on without a thought. If Dustin needed diversion Justin's room was a few steps away. If Justin wanted to rant, Landon would rent an ear. If anyone ever needed advice or comfort, Austin was never out of them. If one was angry, another was calm. If one was sad, the other would make them smile. It was how they balanced each other out. It was what they were used to. 

So Justin sat, silently between Dustin, who kept running his hand through his hair and wiping at his face like me and Landon whose leg had been bouncing for a long time. Tears had probably leaked out of all their eyes at some point.

Austin was in critical condition. He had been in the operating room for over five hours. He might not make it, the doctor had said, don't lose hope but don't keep your expectations high. 

One sentence. One second. 

It had changed everything.

My fingers rubbed at the new necklace. A nightingale. 

Nico came back in, this time instead of a lighter in his hand, there were bottles of water. He gave one to Landon, another to Justin and pressed one towards Dustin who pushed his hand away. Nico lightly slapped his cheek. Not enough for it to hurt, but enough to startle him so he would listen.

"Take the bottle, Dustin. We are all worried, we don't need any of you getting sick," He slowly told our brother, who huffed a breath and took the water bottle. Nico eyed the other two. "Drink it."

Milo was half unconscious and didn't react much, just took a couple of gulps of the water. Nico handed me a bottle and sat down beside me, opening his own and gulping down the water. I dropped my pendant behind my t-shirt. He didn't see it. 

"Did you eat?" I shook my head, the answer was obvious wasn't it? I could see though, that Nico wanted us fed and well. Usually Vince's roll, and maybe Milo's. I realised since both of them were not in the place to handle it, one not here physically, the other mentally, that it fell on Nico. 

"It's fine. I don't think anyone is hungry." I told him, my voice as quiet as his. Nico pressed his fingers into his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. He nodded wordlessly. We fell back into the numbing silence again.

My heart grew heavier as I took in his state. He caught my eye. 

"It's fine." He whispered to me. He did not believe his words himself. It was obvious.

"Come on," Nico stood up, pulling me up. 

"Nic," Landon shook his head in protest. 

"Go with him. Get yourselves food. I'm here. If anything happens, I will tell you." Alina's even voice spoke from the doorway.

"I don't want cafeteria food," Dustin grumbled. "I'll stay."

"No, you will not. There's perfectly good food at home. You will all go, eat, bathe, sleep. No discussions."

And every protest was shut down, we were all piled into a single car. Two cars in front of us, two behind. Alina had called for them awhile ago clearly. 

"I should stay. I'm fucking sober. I am"-

"Nico. Take care of them. Take care of yourself. I will take care of Austin."

"You can not shield us from every death that occurs." Nico told her, Dustin breathed out roughly.

"He's not going to fucking die." Justin almost growled.

"Not yet," Alina said quietly, "And there will be no death."

Before we or at least I could ask her what she meant by 'not yet', the driver started driving, the windows came up, and we left the hospital behind with Austin and Alina still inside. 


Merry Christmas!!! I hope you're having a good time :)

I love you all, thank you so much for being the magic in my life <3

Obviously not edited, when is it ever? 

What do you think about Austin by the way? *wiggly eyebrows*

Okies. I'm hungry. 

Love you and thank you.

Adios Amigos . <3

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