Chapter Twelve: A balloon filled with joy.

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Caliope almost had tears in her eyes as she looked down at the white dress that had cranberry juice all over it as she stood in front of Vince. They didn't even get dinner yet, she didn't even meet his family yet. As a teenager at least, she was five the last time she saw them.
"I'm sorry," Vince told her closing his eyes, resting his forehead against hers. "I had no idea they would be like that."
"What did I do wrong?" She wanted to scream but instead just asked softly, her lip trembling. 
"Alina is just peeved, Nico and Milo just copy us, I'm so sorry." Vincent felt his heartache. He had factored in the possibility that everything might go south. This wasn't just south though, this was way worse and all he could do was just hold her and promise that it would be perfect the next time, that everything would be perfect the next time. 

Aurora's P.O.V:

After a few minutes of us sitting in silence, nothing changed. Usually, my siblings didn't let silence last too long, it was practically impossible but right now? Not one sound was made. It was almost as if the boys were stunned to speak. I was confused still as to what Vince said to Alina. I really should start taking those Italian lessons.

"Start eating," Vince lifted his hand to motion towards the plates.

"It's rude," I muttered when no one made a move to eat despite being served with food. Vince almost glared at me for it, I almost shrunk in my seat because of it. But he didn't say anything. I tried not to react.

"Very well then," He swallowed whatever he was drinking, still tense. It was all over his face and body, I could clearly see his distress and I wasn't even a body language expert. Justin reached out and squeezed my hand probably noticing how much I was not liking the evening.

I smiled at him, he nodded at me and didn't let go of my hand from under the table. I stared across at the head of the table which was empty, and the seat to my left which was the same and back at Vince, who was acting nothing like the big brother he usually was to us.

I don't know if I blamed him for it or not.

I didn't think much of it, stopping myself practically. Vince is human, he is stressed and that was that. Slowly Justin turned towards Austin and they started talking in murmurs, Milo nudged Dustin about something and he whipped out his phone showing a picture to him, I didn't bother asking what it was instead looking at Nico who was listening intently to whatever Landon was saying, nodding along and occasionally commenting. I tuned out all of the conversations, instead looking at my lap and then at Vince.

His eyes were still at the doorframe, waiting. His shoulders were bunched a little higher, his hand gripped his glass tightly. I frowned. I understand talking to Alina is scary, but it wasn't like she would kill his girlfriend. She was our sister and admittedly scary but still our sister, she wouldn't just hurt Vince's girlfriend for the fun of it.

As the minutes ticked by, the chatter around the table grew, I mumbled a response occasionally whenever they asked me something but ignored it, for the most part, my eyes could not leave Vince's face. After something Nico scoffed at and Justin laughed at, Vince turned to face me and raised his eyebrow. I looked away. Not because of his very steady and hard gaze that was scaring me very much but also because I heard footsteps, two pairs.

Caliope was looking at the floor as she entered Vince immediately stood up and pulled her near him, she shook her head at his whisper and then kissed his cheek, coming over to her set. Alina entered shortly after, slipping her phone into her pocket.

"Sit," She told Vince and looked at me from across the table. Alina didn't smile but the way she looked at me felt like it, so I exhaled and nodded. 

Alina took a sip from the wine in her glass, I really wanted to taste the red liquid but I didn't ask. The rest followed.

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