Chapter Twenty-Two: Ultimately I win, dad, you lose.

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Aurora giggled as Marcus gently swung her by her arms while Alina gulped down chilly water, dirt and dust all over his face and arms, Cole simply leaned back with a small smile watching both of his nieces.
"Remember when Alina was about that age?" Xander nudged him, watching as Alina skillfully loaded her gun in seconds, turning away from Aurora.
"She was smarter than me, I swear"
"She still is"
"I'm proud she is."
"So is Lan" Xander pointed at their youngest brother who was sitting on the ground with a phone in one hand and popcorn in the other.
"So is punching you in the face."
"Fuck off"
"Not really into incest, thank you very much."

Aurora's P.O.V:

I was told I would not be attending school for the entire month which was both a bummer and not so much. On one hand no homework, on the other hand no more having random moments of laughs in classes. I was sure I'd still see most of them at the quite often trips to the country clubs or in one of the various malls my siblings dragged me to, hoping something would catch my eyes.

Nothing ever did, especially after the price tag.

So they resorted to buying me random books completely ignoring the fact we had a library inside the house, it was like they were trying to make up for the years I wasn't here.

Especially Justin who made sure anyone older went with him, I don't know why considering all of us spent Alina's money anyway. Guess it was a 'we grew up together' together kind of thing. It amused me even though I didn't get it.

I also didn't understand how everyone hated paying for the younger one but me. Guess it helped being the youngest and only little sister in this case. Another positive thing, Justin didn't wake me up as early anymore.

As early. I still did play soccer with him, I loved it despite all the whining in the beginning.

I ate my cereal quietly, Nico was sitting on a cream coloured armchair in the same room, his feet dangling off of one end, torso resting on the seat, back propped up against an armrest. He to my surprise was wearing a grey sweater today, a hand-knit one, like the one Harry Styles wore on the You and I music video, of course, he did add a black article of clothing, his jeans. And socks...and sneakers, which were currently laying near the flowerpot. He had kicked them off as soon as he entered.

He was reading a book, another shocker to me.

"Can I help you?" He didn't bother looking up. I shook my head.

"I zoned out, sorry"

"Well, you can help me" He didn't even blink, completely ignoring the previous statement. "Get me a cup of coffee."


But I didn't say anything, just slipped out of my seat and walked over to the coffee machine, where thankfully some coffee was still left. I poured a cup of the coffee into a dark green mug, walked over to Nico and handed him the mug.

When he didn't say anything, I walked back and slipped into my seat to finish my cereal.

Thank you.

I was just about to finish my cereal when Alina walked in and looked at me. Finally.

"Go get dressed, you'll spend the day at work with me."



"What do I have to wear?"

Nico chuckled quietly in the background, Alina didn't even glance at him.

"Anything you'd be comfortable in," Alina answered and then after a few seconds, elaborated. "Get a T-shirt and jeans, grab a hoodie and your coat. Meet me outside."

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