Chapter 7: The Aftermath

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(Do they have phones in Panem? Well, they do in this chapter. So sorry about the inaccuracy)

(Dedicated to schmurac for giving me the idea of Luke's POV! I never would've thought of that, and it gave me some new ideas for the story. So thank you!) 

I pushed him away, sending him into the wall. He let out a huff of surprise. He didn't know that I could shove so hard

I put my finger tips to my lips. I couldn't believe it. The only boy I had ever kissed before was Luke. It had always been only Luke. No other boy had ever touched my heart. Except for Talon. But he touched my heart in a different way. I didn't think of him romantically. I thought of him as a best friend. Maybe even like a brother. But a boyfriend? No. Absolutely not.

"Why would you do that?" I screamed. I knew that everyone still eating in the dining room could hear me. I didn't really care.

"I-I don't know," Talon stuttered.

"I'm pregnant with my fiancé's child and you kiss me? How stupid are you? What relationship do you think we had here?"

"I don't know. I didn't think of us as more than friends. I don't know why I did that. It was like an instinct. I know you're engaged. I'm sorry," Talon replied.

"You're right, we're not more than friends! We're nothing!" I yelled. I heard footsteps approaching the door.

"I'm sorry. Can't we just forget it?"

"I'm can't just forget that!"

Talon reached his hand out to me, trying to touch my arm. I yanked my arm away and took a few steps back. As this happened, there was a knock on the door.

"Willow? What's going on?" Katniss said.

"Can we come in?" Effie echoed.

"Get out, Talon!" I screamed, ignoring the people outside of my door.

Talon respected my wishes, turning the door knob and walking out. He pushed past Katniss and Effie. Effie raises her eyebrows at me, asking what happened. I turned my back to them and laid on the bed. Instantly, I burst into tears. I buried my face into the pillow and didn't care that the salt water stained the silk. The door closed, but I heard breathing. Katniss was still in the room.

Katniss sat beside me on the bed, pulling me up to her. She wrapped one arm around me and I buried my face into her shoulder. Tears ran down her sweater. She kept on whispering things in my ear. Encouraging me, I'd bet. But my sobs and breaths were too loud in my ears to her the words.

"I don't know why I'm crying much," I said with shuttering breaths.

"It's a pregnant thing. Things that made you upset before will devastate you now," Katniss replied.

"I don't want to lose him..." I whispered. "I shouldn't have screamed."

"You have a right to be angry. It's human." Katniss must've realized what had happened.

"I need to apologize," I said, starting to crawl out of bed.

"It can wait until morning," She replied, grabbing my arm and pulling me back. "It's really late and we have things to do in the morning."

"Okay," I reluctantly agreed. I laid on the bed and closed my eyes. Katniss stayed with me, running her fingers through my hair. Soon, I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, a blanket was draped over me. Katniss was no longer there. Bright sunlight streamed in through the windows. Morning had come.

I could hear talking voices coming from the dining hall. I heard a lot of laughter. I smiled and got out of bed, ready to head out there and get some food. Thoughts of Talon came to my mind. I frowned. Would he be mad at me?

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