Pregnant in the Games

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Author's Note: I get a lot of hate on this story from people complaining that President Snow, Finnick, Prim and others are still alive. It says right there in the second paragraph of my prologue why, but for some reason people refuse to take that as an answer. I just want to specify that most of the 75th Hunger Games never happened in this story. Also, it's my fan fiction. I did read all of the books and I do understand what happens in them. But it's not your place to tell me that it's wrong, because I give you a reason as to why these people are still alive. Please don't comment and tell me that my story is wrong. I'm aware of who died and who didn't. I just changed it. 


My mom and I sat in front of the T.V screen, watching the mandatory showing of President Snow reading the card. The card that's marked with 100, telling us what the Quarter Quell shall be. 

The anthem starts to play. My hand is in my mother's and we are both squeezing tightly. President Snow takes the stage. I've seen the clips of the last Quarter Quell and it doesn't look like President Snow has aged a day. That was the Quarter Quell where Katniss and Peeta had to go back into the arena. The games were ultimately canceled because the citizens of the Capitol started rebelling against President Snow and that was the only way that they could stop it. Katniss and Peeta both got out alive, including Finnick Odair, Johanna Mason and Beetee. I'm good friends with Katniss and Peeta's daughter, Rue. She's 18, like me. They also have a son named Gale. Rue is named after a tribute that Katniss was in alliance with during her first Hunger Games. Gale is named after Katniss' old best friend, who hasn't been seen in years. After Katniss came back from the Quarter Quell, Gale left to go work in District 2. No one has really heard from him. 

I know that Rue is nearby, watching this too, with Katniss and Peeta. Gale will be there, too. Gale is 15. His name is in there 4 times. Rue's name is in there 7 times. Since they're ex-victors, they don't need to put in tesseraes like I do. My name is in the pot 32 times. Less than it should be, considering how I'm friends with Rue and she's rich. I never really starve because of them. They offer to give me some to take home, but I never take it. I want my mom and I to survive on our own, without the help from others. We're already getting too much.

"Willow," Mom chocked out.

"Yes?" I replied.

"No matter what's in that envelope, will you try to stay positive?" 

I nodded my head. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to keep that promise. I really have an optimistic outlook when I go into the Reapings, but it's different this year. This year, who knows what my odds are? 

Behind President Snow is a small boy in a white suit. He has a little wooden box in his hands. The anthem ends, and President Snow begins to speak. He tells of the Dark Days and the ruling that every 25 years, the anniversary would be marked by a Quarter Quell to refresh the memory of those killed in the rebellion. 

"On the 25th anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that their children were dying because of their choice to initiate violence, every district was made to hold an election and vote on the tributes who would represent it." President Snow said. "On the 50th anniversary, as a reminder that two rebels died for each Capitol citizen, every district was required to send twice as many tributes. On the 75th anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that even the strongest among them cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, the male and female tributes will be reaped from their existing pool of victors." He scowls at the failed Hunger Games. "Now, for the 100th anniversary."

From the box, President Snow removes a enveloped marked with a 100. He carefully opens the little envelope and reads the paper out loud. 

"As a reminder to the districts that the Capitol has stood and will stand for many more years to come, the 100th Hunger Games shall go on for three years. Each time the number of tributes goes down to three, 24 more tributes will be reaped until it is close to the three year mark."

My mom stares at the screen, not saying a word. I'm not sure how I feel about the Quarter Quell, either. It's horrifying, yes, but at least my chances of going back into the arena aren't increased. 

I will find later that I hate this new rule. 


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Pregnant in the GamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora