Chapter 26: Hiding

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Author's Note: Random fun fact! I started this story in October of 2012. Between October 2012 and June 2013, I had posted 11 chapters. Between June 2013 and August 2013, I've posted 14 chapters (not including this one.) What does that prove? That school takes so much time! UGH! Only three more years of Hell and then I'm done! 


Gale's POV:

The next week of my life was the most amazing, yet the most terrifying, of my life. 

Every morning, I sneaked out of the tree house to go see Rayne. I wouldn't wake any one up when I left. I would just make the visit really short and hope that no one was awake when I got back. Luckily, I haven't been caught yet.


I will get caught. I know I will. It's inevitable. It's amazing that I haven't already. I just have to go see her! In this short time, she's sort of become my whole world. If I'm not at her side (which happens a lot,) then I'm thinking about her. When I'm with her, all I see is her. Everyone else in the world becomes completely unimportant.

I'm in love with Rayne.

However, this is the first time I've ever felt like this. Or felt anything towards a girl at all. So I'm a little bit clueless. I really could use some of Finnick's girl advice right about now. I have no idea if she has the same feelings back. Does she like me, or is she being friendly? I imagine that this is what a girl acts like when she likes someone. I'm just deadly afraid of being wrong.

But I couldn't just continue to wait! So exactly seven days after meeting Rayne, I finally made the move. 

"Bye, Gale!" Rayne said, smiling and giving me a quick hug. "See you tomorrow?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Tomorrow."

Rayne turned around and started to walk back to her tree.

"Rayne, wait!" I called out.

She turned around. "Yeah?"

I walked up to her. I opened my mouth to speak, but I didn't know what to say. So rather than speaking, I let my actions do the talking. I kissed her. And this wasn't just any kiss. It was long. It was passionate. The longer it lasted, the more certain I felt. All I could think was I love you, I love you, I love you! 

Finally, Rayne pulled away. She had a huge smile on her face. "That took you long enough!" She said. 

I smiled. "I wasn't sure if it was just me or..."

"It's not just you," Rayne interrupted. She kissed me one more time. "You need to go."

"I know, I know," I replied. I kissed her one final time and went back to the tree house, beaming from ear to ear. I was probably glowing. 

Meanwhile, everyone got more anxious about Rayne. The Hunger Games is supposed to be entertaining. People watch this every day. When there's no death, there's no entertainment. We all know this to be a fact. So when there's a long break between kills, it puts us on edge. Any moment, the Gamemakers will make a move to kill someone in the arena. We're all nervous that it's going to be one of us.

"We need to kill her," Titus would say almost every day, bringing up the same topic again. 

"We're not murderers!" I would reply.

"I don't want to sit around and let the Gamemakers decide my fate!" Titus would reply.

This would go back and forth for a while until someone would shut us up. Titus and I haven't been the same every since we saw Rayne in the tree house. We've been disagreeing on every little detail. He's my best friend, but I obviously can't let him kill Rayne.

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