Chapter 32: Ambush

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Author's Note: Sorry that it took me so long to upload this chapter! I've been spending some well-needed time with my friends. Between that and dance I have been super busy! 

Talon's POV: 

"Why should I believe you?" I asked Luke, who had told me that I didn't need to worry about him hurting me anymore. "You killed my mom. You killed Titus. You're paying Blaze's family to kill me. Blaze is the one who killed Tetrick. Was that one of her missions, too?" 

Luke swallowed and nodded. "Yeah. She was meant to kill him." 

"You're killing everyone I'm close to! If my hands were free, I would kill you!" I spat at him. 

"Does it matter who I killed in the past, Talon? I give you my word that I'm not going to try to kill you anymore! It doesn't make sense for me to kill you, anyways. Clearly Willow and I aren't getting back together. It's over between us. If I kill you, Willow will hate me. I don't want that."

"Willow already hates you," I said. 

"Well maybe she'll change her mind when I spare you," Luke replied. 

"Why are you telling me this anyways?" 

"We have something in common, Talon," Luke said. "You and I both love Willow. We both want the best for her. I brought you here to give you something."

I raised my eyebrows. "To give me what?" 

Luke reached behind him and brought a rope in front of him. For a moment, I thought it was just a rope. Then I saw what was at the end. It was a grappling hook. 

"What's that for?" I asked. 

"You're going to need this to get out," Luke replied. "When you reach the chasm, you need to kill Blaze immediately and get Willow out. But you can't go back through the tunnel. Blaze has two alliance members guarding the front of the tunnel. You'll never be able to get past them. If you use this grappling hook, you can throw it to the top of the chasm. It'll get stuck in the ground and you can pull yourself out. It's much faster than going through the tunnel. Plus, it'll take days before any of the alliance members go back to the chasm. They won't even know Willow escaped." 

With that, Luke walked over to me and cut the bonds on my wrists and ankles. I was free to go. I could attack him and kill him right now, if I wanted to. Which I do. I would love to get back at Luke for all the awful thing's he's done. 

However, that makes me the same as Luke. I don't want to sink to his level. Luke has done something very nice for me. Plus, he's still protecting Willow, which is the most important thing. Maybe I don't want him dead. 

"Thank you, Luke," I whispered, grabbing the grappling hook. 

"You may want to hurry back," Luke replied. "You were out for a long time. It's almost morning."

I nodded and got out of there in a hurry, running back toward my friends. How far away was I? I couldn't remember. At that moment, my only concern had been Willow. 

After running for just a few minutes, I turned a corner and almost ran straight into Katniss. Behind her, Rayne and Gale were holding hands. I scared Katniss, making her flinch. 

"Talon! Where were you?" Katniss asked. She looked pissed, but also relieved. 

"I'm so sorry! I heard Willow screaming last night. Turns out it was just Jabberjays. Then Luke was there..."

"Luke?" Katniss asked, gasping. 

"Yeah. He knocked me out and tied me up. I woke up not too long ago. Luke told me that I didn't have to worry about him killing me anymore. He gave me this," I held up the grappling hook. "Then released me. I came as fast as I could."

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