Chapter 29: Taken

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Author's Note: Thank you guys for all the wonderful birthday wishes! I had a great day. Sorry that this update is a little later than usual. I was busy with birthday stuff. So at this very moment, I am looking at the Fan Fiction page. I'm #14 (holy cow.) Dark & Dangerous Love, an extremely popular fan fiction that's at number one most of the time is right below me at #15. I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT MY STORY IS MORE POPULAR THAN DARK & DANGEROUS LOVE! I HAVEN'T READ THAT FAN FIC BUT APPARENTLY IT'S THE SHIZ! SO I'M FEELING PRETTY SPECIAL. (Quick Note: The standings change all the time. So it might not stay this way, but still.)

More good news! I've noticed today that Pregnant in the Games is the most popular Hunger Games fan fiction BY FAR. It's the first story that comes up when you search "Hunger Games." It's also the first one that shows up when you search "Pregnant." It's the #6 story for stories in the categories Fan Fiction AND Teen fiction. My goal is to get it into the top ten fan fictions. So don't forget to vote and comment.

The next day, we continued traveling to the cold climate. 

As we walked, I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Each step filled me with more dread. Each breath had me wanting to turn around and run back home to the tree house. Each little noise set me more on edge. 

But I kept going on. I have to. For Tetrick. 

It was about midday by the time we reached the cold climate. We were standing in front of the lake, which was frozen over. In the middle of the lake was a big glacier. We've only seen this glacier once before, when we were walking to find Titus. It's a huge glacier and blocks what's on the other side of the lake. Maybe that's where the Cornucopia is.

Talon seemed to be thinking the same thing as me. "We need to get to the other side of the lake," He said. 

"We can't go around," Rayne said, who was standing 100 feet away. "This is where the arena ends. The force field is right here."

I walked over to Rayne, careful to not walk past her. I know what happened to Peeta when he walked into this force field. I noticed the small, black square floating in the air. It's the indication that the force field is right here. Katniss told me about the square, a really long time ago. It's the Gamemaker's little secret. I'm not sure how Rayne knows, but it's a good thing she noticed.

We walked over to the other side of the lake. Sure enough, there was a small black square. The Gamemakers did not make it convenient to get to the other Cornucopia. The only way to get there is to walk over the lake.

"How dangerous can it be?" Gale asked. "I mean, the ice is holding up that glacier. If it's strong enough to hold that giant chunk of ice, then it should be strong enough to hold us, right?"

"I don't know," I replied skeptically. "Who knows how much that glacier actually weighs? The Gamemakers can do some tricky things."

Talon sighed. "Well, what other choice do we have? We need to get that bow and arrow, right? Plus, we're low on supplies. We haven't ate much recently. I'm sure there's a lot of things that can benefit us there. We have to try, right?" 

"I don't want Willow going on the ice," Gale said. 

"Me neither. Willow, you should stay here," Talon replied.

I opened my mouth to object, then clamped it shut again. It's no use. Even if Rayne was on my side for this (which she probably isn't), Gale and Talon would over-rule me any day. Plus, I'm sure I would just slow them down. I'm not exactly in great shape, my stomach being huge and all. 

"I want to go," Rayne said. 

"I want to go, too," Talon spoke up.

"Willow can't be alone," Gale replied. "I'll stay here with her."

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