Chapter 25: Her

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Author's Note: I love it when you say that this book gives you feels. That means so much coming from a fangirl. I mean I'm in so many fandoms and I get so many feels. Like I am the definition of a fangirl. So when people get feels over something I wrote, it warms my heart. Love you guys!


ALSO! Big thank you to jess130 for the giving me the idea for this chapter!

It took us two whole days to get back to the tree house. Talon couldn't walk very fast and we had to take frequent hunting breaks. Each day, I worried over Talon's shin. Each time, he would reassure me.

"I'm fine, baby. Really."

"Let me look at the wound. It might be infected. You might need some medicine. We might need to change the bandage," I replied.

Then Talon would kiss me on the forehead and say, "I'm fine. Don't worry."

For some reason, I just got more worried when he said that. If it was really okay, why wouldn't he just let me look? I want to take care of him. I need to make sure he's okay. The way he's dodging me is making me suspicious. I may just be paranoid, but he's my boyfriend. I want to take care of him. 

When we finally got to the tree house, we realized that our place had been taken over. I climbed up the ladder to see a girl sleeping in the tree house. She was a very beautiful girl. She had a soft face and blonde hair. She looked very peaceful as she slept. She seemed younger than me; maybe 15 or 14. Clearly, this girl has been struggling. She has multiple wounds on her neck and face. She has a fading bruise on her eye. And she's skinny. Much too skinny. Her cheeks are sunken in, defining her cheekbones. Her arm looks no bigger than a twig. She almost looks like a skeleton. 

"Guys, you should come look at this," I said. 

The others followed me up the ladder and peaked in. Slowly, I climbed into the tree house and sat down. She didn't even stir. 

"What should we do?" I asked.

"Well, um, we should kill her," Titus said. 

"No!" Gale yelled instantly. Then he put his hand over his mouth, realizing how loud he had been. Luckily, the girl didn't stir. 

"This is the Hunger Games, Gale. The whole point is to kill people," Titus replied.

Gale shook his head and took his hand away. "No, we can't kill her. Look how innocent she looks. She's young, beautiful and hungry. We can't just kill her in her sleep." 

"You realize she's the last one, right?"

"The last one?" Tetrick asked. 

"Yeah. I've been counting the canons. She's the only one left to die. After she's gone, then we have one week to ourselves. Then we'll get 24 new tributes," Titus replied. 

"We don't want new tributes," Gale said. "We don't want more threats. We should just wake her up and let her go. Then there's only one person in the arena after us."

"We have to kill her, Gale! If we wake her up, she's going to attack us on the spot. We don't want any more injuries on our hands. Or death, for that matter. Plus, if we let this go on too long, the Gamemakers will step in. We don't want to leave our fates up to others. If we kill her, then we have a week of safety. I don't understand why you don't want that."

Gale shook his head again. "No, we can't."

"She's going to die soon anyways, Gale. She's starving to death," Tetrick reasoned.

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