Chapter 33: Labor

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Author's Note: So... I'm only 15. I know nothing about child birth. I'm trying to research but obviously I haven't experienced it first hand. Sorry if this sucks or is too much like a movie or something. I'm trying my best, okay? It's not helping that 5SOS is distracting me. 

Some of you guys got legit mad at me for that cliffhanger. As a reader, I sympathize. As a writer, I think it's hilarious. I see why authors do this. Except for real authors, you guys have to wait MONTHS! You guys only had to wait a day. 

"No..." I whispered. "No, this can't be happening! It's too early! She isn't due for four or five weeks!" 

"Willow, calm down. It's going to be okay," Katniss replied. "Babies come early sometimes." 

"Babies that come early die sometimes!" I screamed. 

Talon put his hand on my shoulder. "Willow, stop screaming. Calm down. We need to get you back to the tree house. We're not that far away." 

"Labor isn't going to start right away. You have some time," Katniss said. 

I took a deep breath and nodded. With that, we continued to walk to the tree house. We were there before too long. I smiled when I caught sight of the tree house. It's been too long since I've been here. I put my hand on my stomach. I can't believe this is happening. 

I'm starting to feel my first contraction. There's a lingering pain on my lower back, that feels like it's moving foward, toward my stomach. The pain isn't extreme. Not yet, anyways. It's just uncomfortable. I've felt contractions like this at random times during my pregnancy. Except now I know that they're going to get worse. 

The contractions, at this point, are only lasting for about a minute. Then the pain subsides. Then another one doesn't come for another twenty minutes. We all go into the tree house. Everyone's silent. The mood in here is weird. No one really knows what to do. 

Well, except for Katniss. "Don't just stare at her, you guys! It's not like the baby is about to pop out any moment. Why don't you guys go and hunt or something?" 

Gale and Rayne agreed, crawling out of the tree house. Talon stayed firmly at my side, holding my hand. "I'm not going anywhere," Talon replied. 

"Okay, that's fair," Katniss said. 

My muscles tensed up. Another contraction. This one hurts a little worse. I bit my lip. When was the last time that I had a contraction? It didn't feel like it had been that long. I thought labor was supposed to be a slow, continuous process. Sometimes it takes a women 24 hours before she even goes into labor. But the time between those contractions was definitely shorter. I would say it had been fifteen minutes. 

Finally, the pain subsided. How long had that been? I can't keep track. Contractions are supposed to get shorter, but closer together the closer you get to crowning. 

"Let me know when the next one starts," Katniss said. 

I nodded in reply. We talked amongst ourselves for a little bit, talking about random things. I was trying to get my mind off of what was happening. I've known that this moment was coming for a long time. It just hadn't felt real until now. It's scary, being in the Games and giving birth. I can't imagine that there's a worse labor situation than this. I'm pretty sure there's one more Tribute in here that hasn't been killed. What if they decide now is the time to strike? It's not like there's anything I can do right now. Plus, this is starting too early. Crystal isn't fully developed yet. What if she can't breathe on her own? There's nothing here to help her. If something's wrong, I don't know if I can fix it. 

Another contraction started. I squeezed Talon's hand. This one is more extreme. I look over at Katniss and nod. She gets my message. This is starting to worry me. I feel like the contractions are progressing quickly. What happened to me having some time? I feel like I don't have any time! 

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