Chapter 3 - Escape Game

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Samon: "Number 15, you asshole, just what the hell are you doing here? Huuh?!"

Jyugo: "No, well... We're just on our way back from exercising with Yamato a second ago... r-right, you guys?"

He turned to just see only me standing there. I hadn't noticed the others had run away either. He mouthed desperately to me.

Jyugo: "The hell did they go?!"

Jinx: "I don't know!"


I heard them whispering around the corner.

Nico: "Should we have left Jinx?"

Uno: "I'm sorry, I panicked."

Rock: "Don't worry, he won't hurt a little girl."

Jinx: "Scaredy cats..."

Samon: "Training with Yamato, huh? Just you and the kid? I don't think so. You're escaping right now, aren't you?! Isn't that right, number 15?! Did you think I'd forgotten about what happened back in the basement...?"

Hajime came up from behind him and tried to karate chop down on his head. But he managed to turn around and catch it just in time.

Hajime: "Tch-"

Samon: "Bastard...!! You were trying to get rid of my memories just now, weren't you?!"

Jyugo and I tried to run back while they were distracted but Samon turned and picked us up by the scruffs of our clothes.

Jinx: "You said he found out about your skill, right Jyugo?"

He nodded.

Samon: "You know what, this settles it! I'm gonna properly report the case of 15's escape to the warden! And I might do 33's while I'm at it."

Hajime: "Those two were just returning form their exercise time with Yamato."

Samon: "NONE OF YOU KNOW WHEN TO GIVE UP! Ha, even so, it's pretty pathetic of you. To think you'd allow inmates to escape. As a fellow supervisor, I'm shocked."

Hajime: "Haah? Then what about you?"

He dropped us and we went and stood next to Hajime.

Samon: "Ha, as if I'd ever let an inmate escape! I'm the supervisor of the disciplined building 5, after all!"

Jinx: "Big headed much?"

Jyugo: "Mhm."

Samon: "If you ask me, the shitty little brats at this place are no different from babies. As long as I'm alive, I'd never allow something like an escape."

Hajime: "Oh? So he says."

Jyugo and I smiled when the others come up behind him.

Uno: "If you're gonna go that far, then I guess there's no choice."

Samon: "Wh-why are you guys-?! AHA! You all broke out with number 15, didn't you?!"

Rock: "There's no helping it if we've been found out. If it's gonna be like this, then we're not gonna stay quiet."

Uno: "Hey, building 5's supervisor, if you're that confident, then let's have a match."

Nico: "Yeah! A match with the monkey!"

I giggled.

Samon: "STOP CALLING ME A MONKEY—! Wait... a match?"

Rock: "C'mon, it's simple. It's just a game where you try to keep us from escaping."

Uno: "If you can stop us, then you can report us or do whatever."

Nico: "It's Samon's loss if we successfully escape, so please do your best to at least break Hajime's record."

Samon: "Why the hell are you so used to this?!!"

We were getting into this too. I tugged on Samon's sleeve and smiled.

Jinx: "I warn you, we're the greatest escape artists in history. So keep us in our cell if you can."

Uno: "You spoke so sharply before, so there's no way you can refuse us at this point, right?"

Samon: "Y-you..."

Uno: "If you happen to lose, then you'll be in a position where you can't say anything to Hajime, y'know? Or are you gonna obediently report everything? Like, you snapped at someone while brimming with confidence but ended up running away in the end. Or will you go and report everything right now? If you do, then we can treat it as your loss, right?"

Hajime: "They're saying whatever they like again..."

Jyugo: "Well, they said they haven't had any excitement lately..."

He smiled up at Hajime.

Jyugo: "I don't really mind it, though. This match I mean. To what extent can someone other than you stop us? It sounds interesting. Fun even."

Hajime: "Hah? You shitty brat, this building isn't a playground for you kids. I won't accept some prison break game or whatever."

Jyugo: "But if we win, it might end with us not getting found out by the warden, right? Besides, I owe you a lot."

Hajime: "Huh?"

Jyugo: "No, it's nothing. Well, don't worry. I'm not really planning on doing anything special. I'm just gonna do things like usual."


Jyugo: "OUCH-!"

Hajime: "The hell do you mean 'like usual'?! If you runts hadn't escaped in the first place, then something like this wouldn't have happened!!"

Samon: "HAJIMEEE!! I ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE!! If I lose, I'll rethink the report!!"

Hajime: "EHH?"

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