Chapter 41 - Don't Cry

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Jyugo: "... Hey, are you serious...?"

Musashi: "You think I'd joke around about this? Sorry, but everything I said is true. I'm different from you, and I've got a way better memory too, y'know."

Jyugo: "You always gotta go and say too much, don't you?"

Musashi: "About that arson case you mentioned, it was probably done by somebody who had my power transplanted into them or something."

Jyugo: "You've been weirdly calm about all this. Did you already know?"

Musashi: "Nah, it's not like I knew or anything. It just kinda lined up with what I expected. I've been investigating a lot of stuff ever since I started chasing those guys, after all. While listening to inmates who had been tested on like you, I figured out that those guys really wanted- maybe even needed- this power of mine. Whatever their goals might be, it seems pretty reasonable now when you think about it like that. And it looks like that arsonist can probably control that power. The fact that they're calling it a 'arson' case means that it wasn't an accident – it was done on purpose. If they had committed arson because their power ran wild, then it wouldn't have mattered even if there was a witness. Yet there was almost no eye witness testimony or evidence on the culprit, which means that they must have some reason for not wanting to get caught. If I had some more details on the time and place of the arsons or how many people were injured, then I could get an idea for how much control the culprit has over that power..."

Jyugo was staring at him in awe.

Musashi: "If I knew that much, then I might be able to figure out their next move, and maybe even capture them... Uh, is something wrong?"

Jyugo: "No... uhm... I was just thinking that... you really are amazing. I just kinda went with the flow and came here without thinking, yet you... and besides that, I really suck at explaining stuff so... uhm... I'm kinda worried if I'll make any sense..."

Musashi: "Jyugo, I want to ask you this once more. I tried to kill you once... no, twice using this power. Aren't you scared of it? Of me?"

Jyugo: "No, I'm not."

Musashi: "Why? You should at least understand that I'm not a normal human by now, right?"

Jyugo: "But even that power is an important part of you, isn't it?"

Musashi: "A part of me..."

Jyugo: "I... don't really get what 'normal' is. Is what's considered 'normal' and 'not normal' something that somebody's gotta decide? Is being different from others really that bad? Besides, you're the same... why would you think I could find the man with the scar... even though... all I can do is break out of prison... on the contrary... I'm below average."

Musashi: "That's why. Unlike me, you're not tied down by anything. It's because you can always be free that I believe you can find those guys. It's true that you're not smart, have shitty handwriting, never listen, don't read enough, have a terrible memory, can't read the atmosphere, and you're also hella slow. To put it bluntly, you're seriously below average."

Jyugo: "Now you're just being mean..."

Musashi: "But you know, when it comes to escaping prison, no one else can even compare."

He moved forward and poked his forehead.

Musashi: "No matter how much smarter or more experienced someone is than you, I don't think they'd ever be better than you at that even if they spent their whole life trying. To borrow your own words, isn't that trait of yours an important part of you as well? So stop talking about yourself like that. It's the basics to just start by doing what you can. So don't be in such a hurry, and just go at your own pace. Come and save us in your own way, heh! And one more thing, Jyugo. I had another reason for trusting you. I've fought with you a bunch of times, tried to kill you, and thought I was gonna get killed by you. And even then, even though you had the same shackles as the man with the scar, even though you blinded me, even though you had the same presence as Elf, the reason I could never hate you was because... you never once called me a 'monster'. I was fine with just that."

Jyugo: "...Y-... why..."

Jyugo slammed his fist into his chest.

Musashi: "OUCH-!"

Jyugo: "Why does everybody always say the same thing! Something like that... shouldn't matter... MUSASHI IS JUST MUSASHI...!"

He was crying.

Jyugo: "What's wrong with being special...! What's wrong with being honest...! All that talk about being a monster or being normal is just... I'm so sick of it...! Isn't it enough to just live freely...?"

Musashi was patting his head.

Musashi: 'Truth is, when we had our first talk down here, I really wanted him to resent those people. I thought he'd try to get revenge just like me, but... rather than holding a grudge, he said he'd save everyone instead even though he's the one who's suffering the most.'

Musashi: "You probably don't remember, Jyugo, but you said something like this before, too."

Jyugo: "*sniff* Huh...?"

Musashi: "You'd just got beaten pretty good. I was patching you up and you said..."

Jyugo: "Hey, Musashi."

Musashi: "What?"

Jyugo: "Your hands are warm. Do you have a fever or something?"

Musashi: "N-no... My body temperature has always been pretty high..."

Jyugo: "But aren't they too hot?"

Musashi: "Ha ha... I see... you're right..."

Musashi: "At the time I was thinking if it'd be easier on me if I just asked you something like 'what would you do if they caught fire'... but then you turned to me smiling, and said..."

Jyugo: "It almost feels just like the sun."

Jyugo: "I... I did?"

Musashi: "Yeah..."

Musashi: 'I really do hate this power but maybe I could come to like it... maybe then I wouldn't have to be so scared and could start moving forward. For the sake of this guy too, who cried for me and this power I've always hated.'

Musashi: "No matter what happens, I'll always be on your side. C'mon, Jyugo, stop crying... you too, Jinx."

I looked up with tear stained cheeks.

Jinx: "Wh-what?"

Musashi: "I can hear you crying over there."

Jinx: "No... I'm not- *sniff*"

I stood up.

Jinx: "Hey, Musashi... the cameras down here are off, right?"

Musashi: "Yeah..."

Jinx: "Kay... I'm gonna go for a walk... Be back soon."

I slipped through the bars and walked off.

Musashi: "I swear... she's just like you sometimes."

Jyugo: "Yeah... she is *blows nose*."

Musashi: "Hey, don't use my clothes as a handkerchief!"

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