Chapter 17 - Mystery Door

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Jyugo and I walked sleepily through the prison one morning.

Jyugo: "*Yaawn*"

Jinx: "Jyugo, it's my turn to hold Kuu. Gimme."

Jyugo: "Alright, here you go."

He handed me the half asleep cat and smiled at how cute we are.


He picked us up by the scruffs of our shirts, I was still holding Kuu.

Hajime: "Why the hell were you sleeping in the equipment room?! You didn't tamper with anything, did you?!"

Jyugo: "Sshh... you're so noisy."

Jinx: "Do you just wake up mad, Hajime?"

Jyugo: "Everyday?"

Hajime: "Cheeky brats. If you had just slept in your cell like you're supposed to, I wouldn't have had to go running around looking for you this early in the morning! It's not even time for me to leave for work yet, damnit! Don't make me waste my time! You're bad enough, 15, but now I have to deal with this miniature delinquent too! And on top of that, you went and brough Kuu with you again!"

Jinx: "He just followed us."

Jyugo: "Hajime, don't they always say that the early bird catches the worm?"

Hajime: "I haven't caught anything worth shit!! In the first place, you- huh?"

Something distracted Hajime and he dropped us. I landed on my feet, but Jyugo landed on his face. I crouched down next to him.

Jinx: "Are you okay?"

Kuu: "Mew?"

He sat up.

Jyugo: "Ah- yeah... Geez Hajime, what was that for?"

We looked up to see he was just looking around the hallway. And now that I looked around, I noticed something off too. We stand up.

Jinx: "Hey, Jyugo... is it just me or, does this hallway look... off?"

Jyugo: "Hm... yeah, it kinda does..."

Jinx: "*sniff sniff* It smells new. But we've been down here before, right?"

Jyugo: "Yeah... we have. Uh- Hey Hajime, come take a look at this."

Jinx & Hajime: "Huh?"

We look where he was pointing.

Jyugo: "Did there always used to be a door here?"

In front of us was a door with a 13 and a symbol that looked like a bunny.

Jinx: "HAH?!"

Hajime: "Hold up, what the hell is this, it's hideous-!! No, wait... I've seen this design somewhere before. Actually, just what is this door, anyway? When was it made?"

Jinx: "Wait, you don't know? You're the supervisor, aren't you?"

Hajime: "I have no idea where this came from. Someone put this here without my knowing."

Jyugo: "Oh, it opened."

We turned around and I smiled to see Jyugo had already opened the mystery door. Hajime grabbed the back of his clothes.

Hajime: "You bastard, why the hell did you go and open it?!"

Jyugo: "Just cause."

Hajime: "Knock it off with those overly careless actions already!!"

Jyugo: "It's fine, ain't it? Come on, Jinx."

I took his hand.

Jinx: "Come on, Hajime. It's just a room. You think everything's sketchy."

Hajime: "Hey, you idiots, don't just go in-!"

Jyugo: "Why not? I swear, you complain about every little thing-"

The three of us stepped into the 'room'.

Jinx, Jyugo & Hajime: "Huh?-"

And immediately plummeted down into the darkness.

Jinx, Jyugo & Hajime: "GYAAAAAAHHHHHH-!!!

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