Chapter 15 - Puppy's Crush

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Kenshirou: "I'll take the frog outside then."

Jinx: "Hey, Kenshirou, quick question."

Kenshirou: "Hm?"

Jinx: "Does Momoko know about me visiting buildings 3 & 4?"

Kenshirou: "Mm-! N-no... she has yet to be informed. We might have assumed a little because you go to building 5 all the time for lessons with number 2."

Jinx: "Oh, I get it. Wait, why are your cheeks red?"

Kenshirou: "..."

Musashi: "Heh, watch this, kid... Hey, puppy, do you have a crush on the warden?"

Kenshirou: "...No...!"

His bright red cheeks and the fact he was shaking said otherwise.

Kenshirou: "How did you know? Am I that obvious?!"

He punched the wall, making a dent in the concrete.

Musashi: "Yeah, you kinda are."

I giggled.

Jinx: "I figured it out at the tournament. Y'know, when I first met you."

Musashi: "We can see it in your puppy dog eyes. Especially when you looked at her."

Kenshirou: "You're surprisingly perceptive."

Jinx: "I think you're just super easy to read."

Kenshirou: "Yeah?"

I nodded.

Musashi: "Want some advice?"

Jinx: "You? Give out dating advice?"

Musashi: "You'd be surprised, kid. Anyway, if you can't win as the hunter than pose as the prey. Become an herbivore, man."

Kenshirou: "An... herbivore?"

Musashi: "Nice, you're acting like one already. Women dig it, trust me."

Kenshirou: "An herbivore? It's true that I yearn for romance more than meat."

Jinx & Musashi: "Huh?"

Kenshirou: "But, it will be quite difficult to balance my diet. I'll have to compensate somehow... if I make sure I eat plenty of tofu."

Musashi: "That's... not what I was getting at."

Kenshirou left, mumbling to himself.

Jinx: "Kenshirou's kinda behind the times, huh?"

Musashi: "Yes he is. I do feel a little sorry for him though. He's popular with women so I don't know why the Warden hasn't taken some notice in him."

I laughed.

Musashi: "Huh? What's funny?"

Jinx: "Oh, you don't know?"

Musashi: "...?"

Jinx: "Momoko has a crush too."

Musashi: "Really?! Come on, spill."

Jinx: "I mean, it's no secret. She has a major crush on Hajime."

Musashi: "Wait... your supervisor?"

I smiled and nodded.

Jinx: "Mhm! But thing is, Momoko is the only person Hajime's afraid of."

Musashi: "Damn... that is one complicated love triangle."

Jinx: "Tell me about it."

Brothers (Part 3)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora