Chapter 37 - Fireproof

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Hajime: "Numbers 15, 33 and 69. You're down in the boiler room with 932."

Jyugo: "But it's so hot down there!"

Rock: "Especially this time of year!"

Jinx: "Can't believe we have to work down here two days this week..."

Hajime: "Do you lot have to complain every time?! Move your asses!"

Jinx, Jyugo & Rock: "Fiiine..."

Kusatsu: "Come on, guys. The sooner we start, the sooner we finish."

He was way too enthusiastic. We followed him down into the sweltering boiler room. Jyugo had a bag of melting ice on his head.

Jinx, Jyugo & Rock: "So hot..."

Kusatsu: "What's wrong, you three? We just started, and you're already worn out? Man, that's weak."

Jinx: "My little body can only sweat so much..."

Rock: "Why the hell do we gotta inspect the boiler room when it's already hot out? This is the last ice pack, Jyugo."

He placed a bag of unmelted ice on his head.

Kusatsu: "What are you saying? I'm the one who's doing all the work here, you guys are just helping out. Now then... here it is. Aw man, this might need some mending."

Rock: "Hey, that's dangerous! Put some work gloves on!"

Kusatsu: "Nah, it's okay, don't worry about it."

He touched the red hot pipe with his bare hand, still smiling at us.

Kusatsu: "I'm totally fine with heat, see."

Jinx, Jyugo & Rock: "No, I don't think 'fine' is the right word to use here!"

We stared unbelieving at Kusatsu as he hummed while he worked.

Rock: "Come to think of it, I heard a rumour that Kusatsu once dug an Onsen with his bare hands..."

Jyugo: "Looking at him now, I wouldn't be surprised if that's true..."

Jinx: "He hasn't even broken a sweat this entire time..."

Jyugo: "I heard he was totally fine after stepping on an iron plate that got left out in the baking sun too."

Rock: "Yeah, apparently it was hot enough to cook Yakiniku on."

Jinx: "And let's not forget about what we heard about how he removed his inmate tattoo."

Rock: "Just what the hell is his body made of?"

Kusatsu: "You've got it all wrong. I know I said I'm fine, but heat's still heat, y'know."

He showed us his hand that looked badly burned, but it didn't seem to be affecting him at all.

Kusatsu: "I've got some small burns even now, but they'll heal up soon enough."

Jinx: "Small burns? Kusatsu, it's your whole hand. Are you sure you don't need the infirmary?"

He smiled.

Kusatsu: "No, I'm alright. I've gotten used to it over the years. Come to think of it, one of the jails I was at before did a lot of tests on this. They had me do stuff like carry around red hot irons and stick my hands in boiling oil... Well, there was a lot of stuff like that, but most of it didn't bother me much."

Brothers (Part 3)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora