22. Feelings

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Annette was a very shy kid. She thought very little of herself.

Her mother had been very supportive and helped her regain her confidence but all those efforts were in vain after she died.

Annette completely shut herself in her room for days sometimes , doing nothing.

She had anxiety issues and she couldn't attend social events for a long time.

Her family and the rest of the people of the mansion had helped her get better and she regained her confidence again.

She started going out again and had fun with her friends.

That was , until she had those weird dreams every night.

There wasn't a single night where she didn't wake up because of those weird dreams and they never left her side.

She tried taking medication but nothing worked.

She had no idea why she had the same weird dream every night or why she would wake up in the middle of the night right after the person in the dream vanished suddenly.

She thought that person was not real at all and even if he was , she had no chances of meeting him.

But she knew one thing , she could recognize that person in a second if they ever met.

And that happened too , at that faithful banquet where she finally found the mysterious person of her dreams.

The crown prince himself.

It still felt like a dream somehow , it was too good to be true.

She still had no idea why she had those dreams or why it was only Aiden in the dreams and not someone else.

She didn't ask Aiden about it because it seemed silly and she would feel embarrassed talking about it.

Annette still wasn't sure of her feelings towards Aiden. He was a good man.

He took care of her and she liked spending time with him. But there was this weird thought in her mind that he would leave her someday.

It just occurred to her that maybe she shouldn't be getting too fond of him. She shouldn't get used to seeing him everyday.

Maybe it really was a dream and maybe she didn't want it to end.

Maybe it was love. Or maybe it was just her pitiful self yearning for love once again.

Nevertheless , she was too scared to admit that she loved Aiden.

She was scared that he would leave her and that thought made her cry.

But what could she even do , for her foolish heart could not wait any longer and she finally admitted that she loved Aiden with all her heart and that she wanted to live with him.

Maybe it was too soon for that......


"Aiden please.....listen to me!!!"

She cried out. Her face was wet with tears.

"Please......I..I love you..."

Annette stepped closer. She wanted to be close to him.

He stepped away from her.

He couldn't bear to look at her face. Her face that showed her feelings , the way she felt after he pushed her away.

That look of heartbreak.

"I don't think I need any explanation."


She ran after him and he turned around furiously , throwing a vase nearby on the floor.

The vase broke into pieces on the floor. It couldn't be repaired , just like her heart.

"Don't follow me."

When did his voice get so cold? Annette breathed heavily.

She bit her lip in pain and limped back to her room.

Sitting down at the couch , she carefully pulled her dress up to look at the wound.

The broken pieces of the vase had hurt her. But somehow the pain in her heart hurt more than this wound.


Aiden was walking by when he saw Annette attempting to dress her wound.

He couldn't believe his eyes. Guilt rushed through him as he remembered that he had caused her wound.

He went inside her room and took the supplies out of her hands without saying anything.

He crouched down and began treating her foot.

Annette didn't say anything.

He got up after treating her wound and went out the door when he heard her whisper.

"Will you leave me?"....

Pretending that he hadn't heard her , he strided back to his room and punched the wall as soon as he closed the door.

He kept punching it again and again until he felt a sharp pain in his hand.

Blood gushed out of his hand and he stared at it emotionlessly.

After all he had taken the role of the tyrant..

He sat on the floor and looked out at the window.

What had he done?


I Spent A Night With The Crown PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now